3 - Heebie_Jeebie

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Full Name: Idalia Jeanne Moreau (Idalia: Greek, "Behold the Sun". Jeanne: French, "God is Gracious". Moreau: French, derived from the Latin name Maurus, which means "Dark-skinned")

Why not?

Nickname(s): Ida

Seems legit.

Height/Weight: 5'8'' (~1.7 m)/136 lbs. (~61.7 kg.)

On the skinny side, but taller than a lot of the OCs I get. Is she older, or just really tall?

Description of Appearance/Link: She has ear-length, shaggy cut black hair that's almost always accompanied by bobby pins to keep her bangs from hanging in her eyes. She has very dark brown eyes and and tanned skin from being outdoors often.

She definitely didn't have that when she was born, though. Did they just intuitively predict that she would be tan?

No visible scars or blemishes, but often has the occasional acne breakout, and an overbite that she refused to get braces for.

Is this a financial thing or just a disregard for health thing because as a person who knows several people with an overbite, it can be really annoying.

Accompanied by a medium frame for her lanky height, Ida is well-defined by... Little to no curves, which she very much enjoys.

"Well-defined" is confusing, everything else is fine.

Her shoe size is rather large, and her clothing choices mostly consist of Jean jackets, sneakers, and comfortable leggings.

That sounds like terrible battle clothing, which is a thing I can ding people for on a PJO OC.

Really, she doesn't quite care what others think of her appearance.

Reference/"Faceclaim" (I never understood the point of these, but each to their own): Nellie Veitenheimer

Faceclaims are so that confusing character descriptions are presented as a whole, complete face. People have a lot more trouble visualizing someone with curly black hair and green eyes than they do if they see someone with curly black hair and green eyes.

Birthday: 10/22/99

She's seven years younger than Percy Jackson, which could be a cool "how has the camp changed" thing.

Godly Parent: Nemesis, Goddess of Balance, Justice, and Vengeance

Additional fact: Nemesis was the goddess that did the dirty work of cursing all the mortals that ticked off the gods! As I said with the Phobos OC, choosing a minor deity is a gamble, because you have much more room to create, but you also have absolutely nothing to go on.

Powers from Godly Parent:

-Punishment Judgement: She is able to turn the tides on people with either an extreme amount of luck, in the name of keeping the scales balanced. This is usually done through making "Deals" with her mother; Ida determines what punishment or aid the person deserves, and then must attain a prized item off of the said person to sacrifice to her mother, who will then determine in her own rights whether this judgement is fair or not. .....Really, she finds the process quite taxing and unnecessary, so it is only in extreme instances that she does this. Not really a power, as well.

So basically, she has the power of "I'm gonna tell my mom". I can't tell if that's the best thing ever or awful.

-Grudge Sensory and Manipulation (For lack of better titles): Ida is able to know what grudges a person may hold by touching them, and by concentrating on that particular grudge, she is able to strengthen the power, lessen it, or bend the intensity to her will.

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