13 - Ivanthegayest again

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Full name: Jennifer Negro (Jennifer means 'White Wave' in Celtic and 'Fair One' in both English and Welsh. Negro means 'Black' in Spanish and Portuguese)

Nicknames: Jen, Bokugo (by Max and Andy), Weeb (insult)

[Google is convinced without a doubt that you meant to say Bakugou instead of Bokugo and your icon is from mha so now I'm operating under the assumption she knows ALL the swear words. Additionally, I will be spelling it as Bakugou because even if trying to romanize Japanese is a no-winners game, that's the way I've been writing it up until now.]

Height/Weight: 152 cm/43kg

Description of appearance: Bright pink wavy short hair with dark brown roots, tan skin with onyx eyes and scars all over her body and a small silver earring going round the bottom of their lobule. They regularly dye their hair crazy colours but decided to stick with pink for now, they have Asian like shaped eyes from their mortal father who is half-asian and half-spanish. 

[Does this mean their mortal father is a mix of several Asian ethnicities or just one but unspecified?]

They are quite short for their age but it gives them fighting advantages. 

[Like better balance, an easier time ducking under attacks, being harder to block attacks from, and the unending energy that comes from anger at never being able to reach top shelves without climbing.]

Jennifer gets their scars mostly from extreme sports or stupid dares they always do. They are quite athletic with muscular body, often mistook for a guy but they never correct them as Jennifer doesn't identify as either a male or female. At the camp they wear the orange T-shirt over a chain metal shirt which sleeves end little past the elbows, olive green pants rolled up to their knees with leg protectors under the pants and light blue British Knights. When not at the camp or at combat, Jennifer wears a black hoodie with cat ears over a white T-shirt that says 'BEYOND LIMIT: PLUS ULTRA' 

[HAH I WAS RIGHT also fair warning I've only seen the first season of the anime and read a few screenshots of the manga so if you were counting on me getting all of your references. . .]

and a siluette of All Might (their favorite character from Boku No Hero Academia), green camo pants and their light blue British Knights.

[That's a terrible brand name because if you don't know to add "shoes" to the end, they're difficult to find information on.]

Birthdate: May 4th 2003

Godly Parent: Ares 

[Nice, nice.]

Powers from Godly Parent:

-Telekinesis: Being a child of Ares would make them an expert in all weapon usage and being the child of an FBI officer ex-soldier, they were taught from young age how to use all kinds of guns, knives, darts and other stuff.

- ADHD: Like most demigods, Jennifer possesses inborn supernatural battle reflexes and senses that they use to analyze the fighting style of their opponent.

- Fighting Skills: Jennifer possesses more advanced fighting skills than the rest of the demigods not only because of their godly parent, but because their father trained them from the young age in every combat possible as he was an army soldier and is an FBI officer now. Their hand-to-hand combat consists of MMA, Taekwondo used the most.

[Nice, nice!]

- Her weapon is a charmed never-running-out Winchester rifle model 94 full of celestial bronze bullets. It's made the old-fashioned way, wood and metal.


Personality: Jennifer is loud and doesn't think before speaking, which often gets them into the fights. They are full of comebacks and smartass comments at which their friends try not to groan because they know they're gonna be in trouble. Jennifer, despite fighting all the time is quite a smart kid and can hold long conversations with adults even if their grades are on the solid side as they don't really put any effort in them. 

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