8 - Aries15Excalibur

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Full Name: Fione Dao Farfalla

(Fione, similar to the English/Scottish name Fiona. Dao, Thai. Farfalla, the Italian word for Butterfly, but the surname comes from Algerian roots)

Fione seems solid enough, Dao is. . .a confusing choice, and Farfalla is solid except for the Algerian part which, doing a rudimentary google search, has no results. That's by no means conclusive, but is usually a bad sign.

Nicknames: Princess (Only called by boyfriend)

Height/Weight: 5'6, 150lbs

Description of appearance: Hair is a little above shoulder-length and naturally curly, but Fione straightens and pulls half of it up so it does not become an afro. Her hair is dyed ginger, but it's growing out brown at the roots. She has a rounded face, squinted dark brown eyes, a long thin nose, and an acne scar on her right cheekbone. Wears a good deal of mascara. Half Taiwanese.

Clothing: Wears her CHB shirt only on days when she doesn't duel or fight. Other days, she wears a black tank top, with a lightweight chainmail over it. Always wearing khaki short shorts. Usually wears sandals, except for when fighting, then she wears grungy sneakers. Almost always wearing bug-eyed, retro sunglasses. Wears a T-shirt stolen from Abel to sleep.

I'm gonna go ahead and assume she doesn't take the chainmail off to fight, but how are grungy sneakers and short shorts doing for her, defense-wise? She doesn't use a shield either.

Birthdate: 3/30/96

Godly Parent: Caerus (God of luck and opportunity)

Powers from Godly parent: Brainwashing enemies with a false sense of security, natural 'good luck', skilled in matches of chance. (Caerus does not have many powers to pass down. Most of Fione's might comes from physical training.)

Does the false sense of security have uniform effects, or do they depend on the person? How strong is it? How long does it last? How does she activate it? Do they know they've been brainwashed after or during?

Weapons: An Imperial Gold Spear, a normal Swiss army knife (not really for fighting)

Age at beginning of book: In the prologue​, 10. In the actual story, 16

Personality: While having a reputation for being shallow and self-centered, Fione is a considerate girl who just wants everyone to like her. She is a bit of a Primmadonna. She's impulsive, slightly ditsy, and lazy, and really only puts her best work into her hair, her makeup, and dueling. Many find her annoying or overbearing. Her "good fortune" allows her to easily make friends.

How did she get her reputation? Does her good fortune in relationships make her more likely to say the right thing, or more likely to find people in a good mood, or?

Likes: Her spear (spends more time cleaning it than actually using it), friendly battles, Capture the flag, her friends and SO, most of her siblings

Dislikes: Getting dirty/bloody, criticism, heavy armor, celestial bronze (says it does not match 'her look'), fighting monsters, ambrosia (claims she's allergic, really just hates the taste)

Since she actively dislikes heavy armor, does she have any defense or does she just rely on doing enough damage fast enough to not have to worry? Since ambrosia specifically tailors to the eater's favorite food. . .how? Does she bite the bullet and take ambrosia anyway because it's ambrosia or does she just rely on Caerus' luck?

Interests: Volleyball, Egyptian mythology (guilty pleasure), swing dancing, dueling with other half-bloods
How does she balance the whole 'hating blood' thing with the whole 'loves dueling' thing?
Worst fear: Physical fear, needles. Emotional fear, the dark (irrational, as there is absolutely no reasoning behind it).

Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Mostly straight

Friendships/Romantic Interests:

Navi Kasch: Daughter of Demeter. Navi is a year younger than Fione, but they've been close since Navi came to CHB. Navi is the one friend Fione refuses to battle.


Chevy Raston: Son of Hermes. While Fione finds most Hermes' kids tedious, Chevy is one she can tolerate. They grew up in the same town, but never really spoke until CHB. Fione admits that if she were to ever go on a quest, she'd definitely want Chevy with her, as he is very good at fighting.

Why is he good at fighting?

Punthali Lakshmi: Daughter of Aphrodite. When Punthali first came to CHP, Fione did not like her. After they were assigned as partners for a game of "Hunger Games", they became unlikely friends.

Abel Thompson: Son of Hecate. Fione's boyfriend. Fione and Abel met through Chevy. Abel was claimed late, so he spent several weeks in Hermes' cabin. Him becoming friends with Chevy quickly, was introduced to Fione. In the beginning of their friendship, Fione picked on Abel. He took it well though, and absolutely adored her. Eventually, he did ask her out, and she accepted. They are not a very interesting couple.

Why aren't they?


Jenny Farfalla (Born Jenny Amudee): Mother. A woman who's roots are from Thailand, but adopted the Algerian name Farfalla from her late fiance. Met Caerus at a casino two years later.

Rork Farfalla: Fione's only full sibling. Rory is two and a half years older than Fione. They get along well, but don't interact outside of their cabin.

Kierra Harse: Fione's oldest sibling at camp. Being 20, she's one of the oldest at the camp, and only stayed so long to help with training. Fione is scared of her.

Mack Tuesday: Being 17 years old, brother Mack implies that Caerus had an affair while dating Fione's mother. Therefore, Fione does not like Mack.

Sasha Harse: 17, just more evidence of Caerus's infidelity. Fione didn't like him at first, but they actually get along pretty well. There is, however, an unspoken competition between them.

Vera Riley: 12. Fione's favorite sibling besides Rork. Vera is young, but has been at CHB even longer than Fione. She believes it was because Vera's mother died.

Leon Tuesday: 10. Leon is a brat to pretty much everyone except his siblings. Fione loves him of course, but finds him annoying often.

Backstory: Fione grew up in a pretty normal household. Mom working full time, but still finding time for her children. While Fione never met her dad, Rork had vague memories of Caerus before he left. Mom never found another boyfriend after he left, so it was just the three of them. During school, Fione showed immediate signs of dyslexia, but it was never treated. Rork knew he had dyslexia, but he never showed it. They were never expelled from any school. 

Was this a good luck thing, or did they just not have ADHD for some reason?

Fione was taken to CHB at age 11 after Mom said that she and Rork would like it there better than normal school.

Was she lying?

Rating: 5/10

The answer to "how is she not dead" is probably "supernatural luck", but I don't feel great about having to repeatedly ask that.

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