Irresistible Flower : Part 1

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Disclaimer: I do not Own Vampire Knight... Wished I did tho, This begins with Your-(POV)

It is early morning as you drove to your new job as a professor at Cross Academy, you were nervous but also very excited to be included in the school that may end vampire and human wars, yes you knew everything and was well informed of the vampires as well as to what happened to Zero and Yuki specially Kaname. Even though he still remained at Cross Academy, it must be really painful to have all those memories at the school. You felt your heart ace at the thought of it, So you made a promise to your self no matter what you will always be kind to him even if he treats you cruelly.

You snapped out of your thoughts as the car came to stop in front of the gates. As you climbed out you were immediately greeted by the Headmaster Cross himself.  "Welcome, welcome (y/n)". You bowed your head saying "thank you for having me headmaster" you said kindly. "Only a pleasure my dear, please meet Kaname Kuran Professor of the night class. That's when just then realise Kaname standing behind Kaien Cross.

"Welcome" he said in a sweet velvet voice. Your eyes stared for a moment at him, beautiful maroon orbs locked on with yours, you feel your heart skip a beat at his intense gaze and a faint blush started to cover your face, you shook your head and bowed "thank you Kaname" you smiled.

"Your luggage has already arrived and was delivered to your room" Kaien said taking your hand and led you to your new living quarters. Seeing that you are special (human) you will be staying in one of the Headmaster's spare quest rooms in his private building, it was the safest place for you.

"A system here at school has require your assistance" the Headmaster began " Will you be a able to help out with supervising the day class students ?". You looked at the headmaster in surprised, of course you thought, the day class doesn't know of the night class secrete, so make sense to keep watch. "Of course Headmaster, it is the least I can do" you replied . "Good, Kaname will be supervising the night class... well this is your room" Headmaster Cross stopped at the top floor where his quest quarters where and your new room. A beautiful room decorated with.. (use you imagination on this one  XD)The room felt warm and welcoming but one thing you noticed were the red roses in a vase standing on a little table near the window.  Roses were your favourite flowers but you never owned one in your life, you walked to the little table and lightly touched a delicate pedal " I see you like the flowers" Kaien said with a cheerful smile " good because Kaname suggested the flowers, he has such good taste wouldn't you agree kaname?". Kaname just smiled softly, his maroon orbs watching you with curiosity.

"Well I hope this place is to your liking, Kaname do the honours and show our new colleague around" and with that the Headmaster left, leaving you and Kaname alone. "o yes dinner is at six" he added while walking down the hall. Kaname cleared his throat " Forgive the Headmaster he can be a bit ... much sometimes" he said shaking his head in annoyance "shall we take a tour of our lovely school?"

You nodded your head and stepped out the room closing the door behind you as you followed Kaname out into the hall way " thank you Kaname " you said as you came up next to him, he just nodded. The tour was quiet fun but you couldn't  help but stare at him while he explained some history of the school and where what is, his eyes held knowledge and you couldn't help but notice a hint of sadness and regret in them, you could feel his loneliness and it sadden you heart to see your own pain reflect in another eyes specially Kaname's. Even though he is one of the most powerful creature to walk this earth, you didn't see it like that, no.

You saw a man struggling to live day by day with a broken heart. You were lost in thought when you suddenly felt a gentle touch on your shoulder "Are you alright?" Kaname asked looking a bit concerned at your worried face, you snapped out of your thoughts and smiled "o yes of course" you quickly said , you felt your face getting hot when Kaname still stared at you not convinced. You laughed awkwardly "Then why did it look like you were going to cry?" you didn't notice your eyes become watery as a single tear escaped and rolled down your blushing cheek. Kaname reached out and gently brushed the tear of with his thumb "allergies" you said quickly  smiling awkwardly. Kaname just chuckled "Alright then, its getting late and getting close to dinner time, shall we go to dinner?" As if on Q your stomach started growling, food made everything better specially your mood "yes that's a good idea" you said laughing, Kaname chuckled at this finding it amusing. Humans are such weird creatures. 

Before entering the dining room area, you were stopped by Kaname touching your arm, You turned around and saw he had a serious look on his face "before we go inside , I want you to take no notice of the headmaster and his chattering, the man's heart has not healed probably since he lost Yuki". You saw a flash of sadness in his maroon orbs, you resisted the urge to reach out  and comfort him and retrained from doing so you didn't think it would even help. You just turned to face the door 'of course Kaname I understand, the wound of loosing a precious loved one is hard to deal with" Memories started to flash across your mind...memories that should be forgotten. You shook your head and opened the door.....


Author's note: thanx for reading so far ,i shall complete this story, any comments are welcome i would love to know what you think of it , i tried to get kaname's personality right and hoped i did. Pls don't be mean with criticism but new ideas are welcome. XD 

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