Unresistable Flower Part 10

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You froze and stared at the beautiful maroon orbs, your heart beat quickened as your mouth tried to find words but Kaname suddenly stiffed and were of you and the bed in seconds, you moaned in protest but saw that something was wrong,

"Kaname?" you said startled "whats wrong?"

"They are here" Kaname said calmly as he gaze travelled to the open balcony doors.

"The council" you whispered as fear started to grip your heart, you quickly climb of the bed "They will kill you if you go out there" you said in panic, but Kaname just chuckled "Hardly, you should have more faith me". He walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you into a loving embrace and whispers " Your my precious girl and I shall kill anyone who dares to hurt you", he gently lifted your chin so that your eyes meet and gave you a sweet tender kiss, you clung onto to his coat, nuzzling his warm chest as you breath his sweet scent , he gently pushed you away and held his hands on your shoulder.

"Do not leave this room" he said swiftly walking to the door and opening it and stood in the doorway, you stared at him in fear and longing " when I return I expect an answer from those sweet lips" he said smiling and vanished behind the close door and a little 'click' was heard. You were still frozen on the spot your heart beating so fast its making you dizzy 'no !' you mentally shouted there has to be something you can do about this, because all of this is happening is because of the rare blood that you carry with in your body.

"I have to get out of here and help Kaname" you said loudly as you starting to look for an object that was sharp and strong enough to brake a door open, luckily near the fire place you found a metal bar with a sharp end. You walked to the door and gently felt on the wood's surface and inspecting the door knob, then with all the strength you could muster you jammed the point into the keyhole and heard a faint click sound, the door opened.

"Yes" you said with satisfaction but your moment of triumph was soon cut sort when you heard a voice from behind you.

"So eager to die, your making this too easy" came an evil laugh.

Kaname's view 

Kaname vanished after closing and locking door he was pritty sure they won't get to you because to get to you they need to go through him first. He re appeared at the entrance to the grounds and was already met with a bloody on going battle between ghouls (vampire slaves) and 2 vampire hunters the headmaster Kaien Cross with an old friend and former professor Yagari Touga, the 2 battled fiercely, they were already covered in blood spatters from their fallen enemies. Kaname's eyes travelled further beyond the fight and saw 3 capes blowing in the wind, watching the fight with satisfied grins.

"Kaname Kuran" said the leader of the 3, even though they were far Kaname could hear them clearly as if they were standing in front of him. "We came for the girl" 

Something in Kaname snapped, the ground beneath him cracked and shattered as a powerful energy wave exploded from his anger and cleared the entire clearing of ghouls that just turned into dust. The lead council member chuckled evilly " well this is going to be interesting" and snapped his fingers, from the woods came a fresh wave of ghouls even more than the previous wave charging toward Kaname but with lighting reflexes of years of combat training he made short work of the on coming ghouls and and in no time stood infront of the council members with a ghoul head in his hand he threw it at the councils feet. 

Just as Kaname wanted to end the councils pathetic power hungry lives he was stopped dead, "Now now prince Kuran we wouldn't want (Y/N) to get hurt now do we?" said the lead memeber when a completely cloak figure appeared next to him with you struggling against the iron grip.

"Kaname.." you choked but the iron grip made it hard to breath, kaname was completely caught off guard they must have anticipated his plan to keep you with him, a threatening growl came from his chest his eyes completely covered in a blood red, but he still kept his posture "Your greed for power sickens me, I will put an end to you all"

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