Unresistable Flower Part 5

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The day went very well, you had a bright class, and few funny moments, You sat at your desk doing paper work, just a few minutes then its doing that prevent the day class girls attacking the night class thing, sigh , its like they are under some spell, just then the bell rang, everyone started to pack away and stood behind their desks, waiting for you to dismiss them.

"Students" you began standing in front of your desk " you did well today, you are dismissed" you smiled as your students bow their heads in respect. At this moment you felt so proud. You met the students outside after looking up after locking up. You blew your whistle and the students lined up as the gates open for the night class, you don't need a whistle with these students you giggled softly 

"Whats so funny ?" came a familiar velvet voice. "Kaname" you said surprised, your head turned to see Kaname standing next to you, your eyes immediately soften with a smile across your face when you saw his curious eyes. " Its nothing " you giggled. Kaname looked at you with a slight smile " I take it your day went well " Kaname said while the two of you waited for the night class to be done with their parading in front of the day class students. " O yes it was quite an interesting first day" your smile growing wider. As the sun began to set, the wind picked up and some of your hair strands blew in your face, you gently hid the strands behind your ear, Kaname froze on the spot as he picked up your strawberry scent, a dry thirst started to irritate his throat. It is as if he could see your blood rushing through your veins, the sound of your heartbeat was small but beating loud enough for him to hear clearly. Kaname cleared his throat " Well then I should see to the night class " and walked to the moon dorm class with his students. You stared after him confused by his sudden change in voice.

After the day class students were in their dorms, you decided to pay the headmaster a visit to tell him how your first day went, you walked through the Rose garden that grew near the headmasters living quarters " how beautiful the rose are " you said to your self out loud. You kneed to poke a brightly coloured red pedal. " beautiful " you whispered. 

Suddenly you heard a very soft sound, but because it was so quiet in the garden that your hearing became sensitive, you stood up and looked curiously around, it sounded like a foot step " mmm... it was probably a kitty " you laughed, for a moment you thought someone was there, but you had seen a cat at night prowling on the ground . You just casually walked back to the headmasters quarters. But unknown to you you were really being watched by a pair of maroon brown eyes. " Kitty... *chuckle* A soft velvet voice said to the upcoming night.

*Knock..Knock*, " Enter " came the headmasters voice from inside his office. As you opened the door you cheerfully said " Evening headmaster " The head master looked up from his desk " O, (Y/N)" You froze when the headmaster came running and gave you a bone crushing squeeze, swinging you from side to side like a rag doll "how was your first day?" 

"Maybe let me go and i'll tell you " you laughed awkwardly, finally getting out of his hold " It went well Headmaster, I have a bright class " you said. 

"That's really good to hear, yes this shows promise " The headmaster walked back and sat at his desk, you closed the door and stood in front of his desk. " headmaster " you said " its none of my business but I was just wondering if you knew if there was maybe something bothering Kaname " you asked a bit concern could be seen in your eyes.

"He has been acting strange today " the headmaster admitted " but he is the King  as you say to the vampires, so who knows what could it be what is upsetting him ".He pushed his classes up his nose. "(Y/N) .. do you worry for him ?" he asked simply. 

Taken back by this question you felt your face turn red and started to poke your fingers together nervously. " Well ..I..uhm , maybe " you whispered " o this is interesting " Cross said out loud leaning over his desk curious to hear more. I think its time for a bath, am done with everything for today" you laughed awkwardly and slipped out the door as fast as you could.

After a nice bath, you got dressed and walked to the kitchen to find Cross already cooking dinner. " O (Y/N), i hope you had a nice bath" The headmaster greeted you. " What are you making headmaster?" You stepped curiously closer as the sweet aroma of spices filled your nostrils "Smells delicious " you added. 

"Japanese stew, want to assist me? " Kaien added. "yes please" you smiled. You helped Cross make a wonderful dinner. " headmaster you sure can cook" you said between mouthfuls. Kaname didn't join for obvious reasons. After you helped the headmaster with the dishes and bid him a goodnight and a thank you, you retired to your room, it was almost completely dark out, the sun rays disappearing slowly, you walked over to your curtains to close them, but stopped when you saw someone outside. "A student out at night?" You better have a look you thought. After running out, you came to the spot where you saw the student when suddenly *BAM* your head hit the wall as your body was thrown by your attacker. All you could see was stars, you shook your head to clear it. Then you saw your attacker, red glowing eyes and fangs glittering in the dim light, A vampire !. he came closer and bent down to your crouched position on the cold floor " My my you smell so tasty my dear" the vampire said with pure blood lust in his voice, he leaned in crapped your chin in a force kiss when you punched him in the face, it stunned him long enough for you to scurry away but he caught your wrist " Am going to drink every last drop in your pretty body" pinning you to the wall he bit with full force in your neck, you gasped in pain as his fangs dug into your flesh, suddenly finding your voice you let out a pitiful scream it hurt just to much with his fangs in bedded in your muscle.

Suddenly the vampire froze, you jerked your self free from his iron grip, a hand came right through the vampire's chest drops of blood fell on your face, the vampire turned into ash and blew away with the wind That's when you saw "Kaname" you whispered as you fell to the ground numb from the pain but before your head met the cold floor a pare of strong arms caught you and held you gently to bring you close to his chest you could feel the warmth radiating from him "Y/N) you heard Kaname's velvet voice, but the darkness has already clouded your mind as you fell unconscious...


Authors note : sowi for taking long but the next ch will be up soon keep reading XD XD XD

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