Unresistable Flower Part 8

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Finally reaching the little town, you breathed a sigh of relief as you walked slowly through town. "what is he gone think of me now that he knows my feelings" you wanted to slap yourself but sighed instead I blew it you thought, yes your feelings toward the pureblood has grown, you might even consider it as love but the thought of not being able to be with him because your a human made your heart sank.

"Professor !"

 You snapped out of your thoughts as you heard a call coming from behind and saw it was some of your students. "Hello girls, enjoying your time off? " you greeted cheerfully, your were glad to see some familiar faces here. "O yes, its a nice break but just disappointing that the up coming events had to be cancelled"

"yea I was looking forward to maybe get a chance to play chess against professor Kuran" The girls started to giggle. Suddenly white flashed across the sky with the thundering sound of a storm approaching "It seems it might rain soon" You gazed at the upcoming clouds, the girls agreed and decided it was time for them to go until..

"Professor look out !!"

You noticed a hand reaching into your pocket, you turned and the thief started running with you after him leaving the girls behind. You caught the thief by the shoulder by a near ally and realised it was a boy.

"Kid what are you doing?!" You said angrily but before you could utter another word you heard a horrible snarl and the both of you was knocked to the floor, you immediately reach and protected the boy with your body, you turn your head and stared into the dark ally way, that's when you noticed red glowing eyes and glistering sharp teeth.

"Don't play with our dinner Zed" came a voice from the darkness, you realised that you were faced with blood thirsty vampires , the blood in your veins froze and your heartbeat started quickening o no you thought worriedly, you quickly looked around and saw a pipe, you snatched it up in a defence in front of the boy, the boy was frozen with fear as he looked horrified by the on coming red eyes.

"Run" you said trying to hide your fear by sounding calm, the boy sped away in the opposite direction, one of the vampires tried to run past you to grab the boy but before he could you wacked him in the face with every bit of strength you could muster , you wiped around and sprinted down the street dropping the pipe. But your choice of direction was badly chosen, you found yourself in the abandoned side of town, you hid behind one of the empty houses, trying to control your breathing Great how am I going to get out of this you thought , but you had the sinking feeling it might not end well for you this time.

In the distance you could hear their amusement laughter coming closer as they jumped around on the roof tops.

"She is alive one boys, find her !"

I need to hide you thought desperately looking around and noticed a broken class window next to you, its the best you have right now, their footsteps on the rooftops were getting louder with their crazy laughter , like a cat and mouse game. You tried your best to climb through the window avoiding cutting your skin then dropped on the floor, you then crawled to a sheet covered couch and hit behind it when you froze.


You swirled around and stood straight , they have found you, one caught you from behind in a iron grip, all you could think of was Is this the end?? as tears started to fall down your cheeks. The leader vampire approach you. It was the one you wacked with the pipe, he pointed with a finger to his cheek, a horrible cut clearly visible.

"You did this , now you shall pay with your life" 

Fear struct your heart am going to die and never see Kaname again you thought as the vampire neared you, that's when you clicked and shut your eyes and screamed.

Vampire Knight - Irresistible FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now