Vampire Knight - Unresistable Flower Part 2

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You gave a small cute yelp as the headmaster just appeared in front of you, surprised yourself you stepped back against Kaname who were behind you, you could hear the amusement in his chuckle as he stepped forward and led you inside, you stared with amazement, everything was decorated. " I wanted to make this a special dinner for our new colleague and friend thats helping us to find peace between the humans and vampires, we need all the help we can get" Cross said with a cheerful smile. 

The dining room was beautifully set and the table was full of delicious food "o my.." was all you could muster " Its absolutely wonderful" The headmaster gave a happy yell " well Kaname did the decorations, but i did the cooking" he said proudly. "its beautiful" you smiled at Kaname but before he could say anything Kaien Cross already had you seated and telling you to dig in, which you happily did.

So (Y/N) how do you like the school so far an do tell us about yourself ? the headmaster asked as he and Kaname sat down. "Its beautiful..well there is not much to tell since.." you trailed off, the words just seem to disappear "of course Kaien said with a soothing voice "I understand" he gently patted your hand in comfort. Kaien knew your history about how your loved ones including your love has been murdered by a revengeful vampire, " I concentrated on my studies and as soon as i got my degree, i came here " you smiled not wanting to seem sad on this happy day. "your father would have been proud" Cross added. You smiled gratefully at his kindness.

Kaname just sat in silence, his maroon orbs not leaving your face, how it baffled him after what happened to you ,you were suppose to hate their kind and yet here you are helping with the solution and not being part of the hunter slaying problem. "I think your perfect for our new Art program, students should learn the fine points of art" Cross suddenly burst out while doing dramatic poses. You couldn't help your self as you burst out laughing at his silliness. You glance at Kaname that was sitting quietly smiling softly with his eyes close, legs crossed and his elbow resting on his knee with his head resting on his hand. "Kaname may i ask you a question?" , Kaname was a bit surprised by your sudden question but it made you curious as to what vampires would want to learn about "What do you teach for the night class?".

"I teach the night class literature and the occasional playing of chess", for the moment you were a bit surprised, Kaname chuckled " am guessing its not what you expected" You laughed and added " It wouldn't have been my first qess  "

"Buuuut back to the chest playing Kaname here has a little reputation for being the best around here.. possibly everywhere" Cross said smiling poking Kaname on his arm. " O, thats impressive, You said, Cross stood up and stood next to Kaname "There is a competition coming up maybe you can enter, its for all to play and in the end try to defeat the King of Chess" you started laughing awkwardly "am not very good at it " which was true in fact you were terrible at the game, you just couldn't wrap your finger around on how to win it. "Maybe Kaname here can teach you a few pointers" Cross said as he poked Kaname in the face while giggling , Annoyance could been seen on kaname's face, he glared at the headmaster but Cross payed him no attention but soften his gaze when he turned to speak with you " Its easier than you think" You thought for awhile, nope its not.  

After dinner the three of you moved to the lounge where Cross has offered making some delicious herbal tee, Kaname followed to join you while waiting for the headmaster "May i ask you a question" he suddenly asked, catching you by surprised . "sure" you said while looking at him with curious (E/Y) orbs  at maroon red ones. "What is your purpose of coming here, considering what happened in the past, surly you must hate our kind...and yet you are here to help" . You were taking back by Kaname's direct question but decided it would be best to be honest. "True" you replied, you could see Kaname's curiosity so you continued " Instead of filling my heart with hatred for them, I try to understand why things happen for the way they do, this way my heart and judgement won't be poisoned by unnecessary hurt and hatred". As you spoke you looked out the window "I'll rather be part of a solution than the problem" You smiled softly because the words you spoke were noting but the truth. You turned to look at Kaname as he sat on a chair opposite you in the same position like at the dinner table with his eyes closed listing to every word you said, " I see, forgive me if my question were a bit out of line" he said and gave a gentle smile, o how that smile got you heart beat to rise and your cheeks getting a faint tint of red " No ofcourse not, I understand why you asked me". 

As if on Que Cross appeared with some nice smelling tee " I hope strawberry flavour is to your liking" Cross handed you your mug, " its my favourite" you said excitedly and took a sip, but you didn't realise that the tee would still be hot, you made s a small yelp as you try to fan the point of your tongue with your hand "Hot, Hot, Hot, Hot" Cross started laughing at you little mishap" maybe blow on your tee first" you giggled softly as your tongue felt numb from the burn " awww your such a cutie!!!" The headmaster jumped and squeezed your cheeks between to fingers. (Bit Later) kaname stood up and cleared the table of the mugs to take to the kitchen, Cross released you aching cheeks and were shooing Kaname so that he could take the mugs to the kitchen.

After saying goodnight to the headmaster, Kaname took you back to your room. Just as you turned to bid Kaname goodnight, You were surprised to see him standing so close to you that you could even smell his sweet scent, Like the coolness of the night with hint of sweet vanilla, he reached and grabbed your chin, holding it softly between two fingers, tilting your head, making you look up into his crystal maroon orbs, so close as if you could just reach up and place a kiss on those sweet lips " How is your mouth, does it still hurt?" Kaname's face was so close to yours, you could feel your cheeks burning up just by his touch, a sense of electricity sparking between skin contact, such a warm touch considering his a vampire yet its so gentle, you feel your self almost leaning into the warmth of his hand as he cupped your cheek, How fast are you falling for him ? and you only met him in person today. You blinked your eyes to make them focus " No its all better" you whispered



Authorrs note : Yo time to cool down haha will update soon don't loose hope yet and thanx for reading XD XD , pls comment and let me know what you think and if i should go on     

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