Unresistable Flower Part 3

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"How is your mouth, does it still hurt"

"No.. its all better"


Your heart was racing and you were pretty sure that Kaname could hear every beat it gave against your rib case, He came closer to your face but you soon realise that's he is leaning towards your neck, his eyes slowly turned from maroon orbs to a predator like red, your heart beat quickened even more if it was possible, a >Gasp< escaped your lips as you felt his cool breath on your hot skin making you shiver.

Suddenly Kaname retracted and stood a step back " forgive me (Y/N), I hope i did not scare you...I was out of line" You were a bit stunned, red was covering your face. Kaname just looked at you smiled gently and bid you a good nights rest, you whispered a goodnight and disappeared in your room. Kaname turned around to look back at your closed door and frowned 'she didn't flinch at all, is it true she does not fear me?' he thought to himself but decided that only time will tell what is your real purpose of coming here.

You were still leaning against your door, trying to control your breathing, your heart still racing making you dizzy. You took a huge gulp of air and slowly blew it out calming yourself. "Was he testing me?" you thought out loud. you covered your face in embarrassment you felt  more whood then scared, this just made you upset "how dare he". You walked over to the little table with the vase of roses and touched a delicate pedal, your gaze travelled to outside the window   "what is he playing at" You said as you recall on tonight's events, but that gave you a headache so after packing away all your belongings as well as your day planner and notes for tomorrow's lesson. Deciding that the day actually went well you slipped on your pj's and went to bed.

Later that night...

Kaname closed the book he was reading, the night classes has ended awhile ago. He sighed and stood up to gaze out the window. Something is bothering him about the new Art teacher, how is it possible that after what happened to you, you still did not show any kind of fear, the look Kaname saw in your clear (E/C) orbs was admiration not fear, how this interested him, but maybe this is all the headmasters some sort of crazy idea to mess with his mind. Kaname held his forehead with his right hand, his eyes slowly turning a bright red, how it annoys him when Cross is up to his weird ideas, just at that thought made Kaname lose a bit of self control, all the windows cracked and shattered under the pressure of Kaname's built up anger, he sighed and closed his eyes regaining is composure "All shall be revealed" he said to himself, as if the thought set of a spark in his mind, a link was created and in just a few seconds he could see you clear as day as if he was in the room with you but as soon as your sleeping form appeared , it vanished "Something is attracting me to her " he had a little stunned expression on his face, but blinked it away and closed the curtains with a swift arm

"what will happen next?"


Author's note: Wat can it be that links you to kaname ?? , who knows... next chapter will be up sooner than you think , thanx for reading XD XD    

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