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You have been watching leafys channel for hours.It was now 6 o'clock in the after noon."I think his guy fucks fruits."he said.You both laughed.'why the fuck is he so god damn funny.'you thought you pulled out your phone and went to Twitter to tweet at leafy.'@leafyishere I fucking love your channel so much me and my friend have been watching your videos for hours.I know you made a video about me to but your still one of my favourite youtubers.' And put your phone away.
It was now 11 and Skye was already asleep.You got close to her ear and whispered"p-p-p-p-p play that."you said."shit!"you yelled and she popped back up."bitch."she said in a raspy voice.you laughed."wanna get food."the restaurants are closed."she said looking at her phone."nu uh gas stations."you said."oh yea."she replied."dumb shit."you said.She gave you the finger.
You both drove to the gas station and parked your car in the parking lot.You both walked in phone in hand."what are we getting."she asked."I'm getting Doritos."you replied."oh course you are."she said rolling her eyes.You playfully hit her in the arm and walked over to the chip isle."I'll be over there."she said pointing to the slushy machine.you nodded and pulled out your phone.you saw that leafy tweeted at you.'@unfortunatechillded thanks for watching my videos and to be honest I like yours to.'you smiled at the tweet and someone bumped into you causing you to fall on your bum."shit"you said."I'm so sorry."a male said helping you up."your fine."you said."you look so familiar."he said.You looked at him and it took you a while to realize that it was leafy."are you y/t/n."he asked."yea and leafy."you said as a question."yea oh my god it's so good to see you."he said."yea you to."you answered."why are you here so late."you asked."got Hungary."he said."same here."you replied."bitch where are you."said Skye about to walk in the isle."here."you said."oh there you are."she said looking up from her phone."holy shit."she said.

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