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I cried for hours.I didn't even answer my phone when he called.There was a knock at the door.I didn't budge."y/n open the door please."it was Calvin.I threw my phone at the door and walked into my room."y/n I have a key and I'm gonna open the door if you don't open it."yelled Skye.I didn't want to talk to anyone.So I opened the window in my room and crawled out through there.I sat on the roof of the apartments hugging my knees.I heard there foot steps from underneath me but I didn't care."I could have sworn I heard something hit the door."said Calvin."something did and that was her phone."said Skye.My phone is probably cracked.Oh well."y/n we know your here."said Skye.I let out a loud sigh."go away."I yelled."nope."she yelled back.I rolled my eyes.I just wanted to be alone."where the hell are you."she said."I don't wanna see Calvin so you can tell him to fuck off."I yelled back."if you would come out of your hi ding spot we would explain what happened.Calvin's phone was hacked."she said."bull."I said."we took it to a phone company and had it checked out.It was hacked."she yelled back.It had to have been hacked.Calvin wouldn't do something like this.I climb into my window again and they where shocked."why the fucking window."said Skye.

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