Chapter 13- Anika

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Here's a light-hearted chapter for you guys. The action is coming soon, I promise. Enjoy! :)

Anika sighed as she stood and gazed out at the grey clouds gathering outside of her window. Happy birthday to me.

No one had bothered to so much as congratulate her, but she supposed seventeen was a pretty uneventful milestone anyway. In her culture, fourteen was a big coming-of-age year for boys, at sixteen you could get engaged, and eighteen was when you were a full adult in the tribe. Seventeen? Meh. Just another meaningless number to check off.

All of her friends were probably too busy scouring the city for Ozai to remember what day it was. She really should have been looking along with everyone else, but Zuko had asked her to stay behind. She hadn't had the heart to refuse him. His generals and advisors were all but forcing him to stay safely in the palace in case Ozai was rallying up a force assassinate him and re-take the throne. He had grudgingly complied, but the fact that he couldn't be out bringing his father back to justice had made him a walking, talking storm cloud.

Out of nowhere, strong arms wrapped around Anika's torso as someone pulled her into an embrace from behind, and she felt gentle lips kiss her neck. She let out a surprised squeak before Zuko's low, familiar voice reached her ears. "Happy birthday."

Anika turned around to face him and jabbed a finger at his chest even as a warm, happy blush spread across her cheeks. "You can't just do that."

Zuko fixed her with a playful grin. "Why not?"

"Because it startles me."

"Makes sense; I'm sorry. I just wanted to see if you'd like to go on a picnic with me. Considering that it's your birthday and all." Zuko picked up a basket he had obviously set down on the floor next to him and turned towards the door. "Since I'm so startling, though, I guess I better just eat alone."

"Stop it, you," Anika laughed as she caught up with him. Zuko reached out with the hand not holding the basket and wrapped her hand in his larger one. Anika's heart skipped happily. "Where are we going? I thought you couldn't leave here."

A shadow passed over Zuko's features, and Anika felt like kicking herself. That was clearly a sore subject. "I can't, but I thought we could eat by the turtle duck pond since it's pretty close-by. It's small, and I can think of lots of places with better views, but it was the best I could come up with under the circumstances."

"The pond sounds perfect." Anika leaned over as they walked and planted a quick kiss on Zuko's cheek, and his cloudy expression lifted slightly.

When they reached the tree beside the pond, Zuko pulled a red blanket from the basket and whipped it open with a crisp snap before smoothing it down and sitting on it. Anika barely held back a grin as she nestled beside him. She could already tell he had planned this out beforehand.

Anika tugged the basket towards them. "What's in here? It smells delicious."

She pulled out a small covered dish and was about to take off the lid when Zuko snatched it away. "Hold on. This is for you, and I want to make sure it's hot." He held the sides and warmed his hands until he seemed satisfied that the food inside was sufficiently heated, then passed it back to Anika.

She pulled off the lid and gasped happily. "Stewed sea prunes?! Zuko, how did you get these?"

Zuko grinned. "Eh, a Fire Lord has his ways."

Anika eagerly ate a spoonful of stew, smiling contentedly as the familiar flavor from her childhood warmed her from the inside out. "This is amazing! Want some?"

"Call me crazy, but I think I'll stick to my roast duck." Zuko pulled out another dish and popped a piece of meat into his mouth with chopsticks.

"Quack?" Anika looked down to find a turtle duck at her feet, head tilted curiously and eyes fixed on her bowl of food. A group of little turtle ducklings huddled behind her.

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