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(k im making my own request because i like the combo of these two)

25. Well someone's more
          Mitch Grassi today.
27. Why would Connor Franta
          destroy the world?

Dan doesn't understand the questions you ask. He is very smart, but you ask some of the weirdest questions. Like the other day...


"Hey Dan?" You called through the flat, trying to figure out the answer to your question.

"Yeah" He called back.

"Where are you?"

"I'm up in the office " You walked up the stairs to see him working at the desk.

"Just curious, what would it be like if humans were the pets and the animals were humans? Like, we swapped places?" He groaned, rubbing his temples with his hands.

"Y/N, I don't want to think about that right now" He sounded exasperated, but there was a large amount of sass in his tone.

"Well someone's more sassy than Mitch Grassi today. I'll be downstairs" You smiled turning away, thinking about the remark you had just made.

(End of Flashback)

But today, you were also feeling a bit curious. Coming into the lounge where the two boys were, you sank into the couch next to Dan, him pulling you into his lap.

"Hello" You smiled, booping his nose.

"Hi, you dork" He booped your nose as well.

"I have a theory" You said, bringing your hands up to mess with his hair.

"And what exactly is this theory."

"What if... Connor Franta destroyed the world?" You said, staring into his eyes.

"Um, why would Connor Franta want to destroy the world? And, him of all people? He's too nice!" Dan said, running his fingers through your hair.

"I don't know, again, just a theory. But what if? If that happens I called it."

"Ok, sure Y/N. Phil, why did I ever ask this dork out?"

"Huh? Oh, I don't know, it wasn't my idea for you to come to me for relationship advice." He shrugged and went back to his laptop.

Phil is a little bit if a strange person, with the things he says. But, his random facts are what makes him, him.

"Y/N! Come see this! Its a bunch of goats wearing pajamas!" You laughed, walking over to the lounge from the kitchen to see the video he wanted to show you. "Maybe one day we can get goats" He suggested, and you nodded, sitting on the arm of the couch and running your fingers through his hair, playing with it.

"Phil, what is your favorite remark to sassy people?" You asked, a little curious.

"Something about them having too much salt. How about you?"

"Someone's more sassy than Mitch Grassi" You grinned.

"You know Y/N, one day I think the YouTube community may turn, and have like this evil society against everyone." He said, stroking your back.

"And why is that?" You looked a little confused. He shrugged, and said

"I don't know, I just feel like Connor Franta would want to destroy the world."

"Phil, why would Connor Franta want to destroy the world?"

"Maybe because there wasn't enough aesthetic stuff and he wanted there to be? I have a feeling Y/N I just know it."

"Your ideas are the best" You sighed, still playing with his hair. You went through the day watching anime and just talking, doing a surprise livestream later on.

"Hello Mary, Josey, Kyla, Troy, Dani, and Fiona! Surprise livestream for you all!" Phil said, holding his hand up. You waved, laughing at Phil's cute action.

"'What have you been up to' asks Liza. What have we been up to today?" You asked, messing with his hair again. The fans knew you were dating, and lived for the little cute moments like these. The YouNow went on, multiple domestic and cute things happened, which you enjoyed looking at later on.

"Hey Phil,"

"Mhm babe?"

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

dan and phil one-shots ✔️Where stories live. Discover now