Phoning from Down Under

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Name:  Flynn Barlow 

Nickname:  None 

Age: 23 

Height: 5'9

Weight: 155 

Gender: Male 

Ethnic Background:  Caucasian (Australian)  

Sexuality:  Pansexual 

Occupation: Guard (Phone Guy) 

Hair Style:  Short well kept 

Hair color:   brown 

Eye color: Green 

Fears:  Ghost, thunderstorms 

Likes:  Taking care of animals, telling bad jokes,  helping his aunts out at the animals reservations.

Dislikes: People who hurt animals, pranks that will hurt people, Ghost

Personality: A laid back man with a friendly demeanor

Bio:  Flynn was born somewhere in Australia raised by his two aunts due to the fact his parents often had to work. He was raised around the wild animals of the outback causing him to want to become a vet when he got older.  After graduating high school he moved to the United States to become one and later got the job at Freddy Fazbears Pizza. 


1. Flynn is not the original Phone Guy 

2. As a scar on his ankle after a baby, Koala had bit him. 

3.  Thought of both of his aunts as his parents. 

4.  Owns a Motorcycle that belonged to one of his aunts.

Character Theme Song:  Don't Stop (Talking to Me) By Foster the People 

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