Luck of the Irish

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Name: Reagan O'Sullivin 

Nickname: My little Clover (his grandmother only) 

Age: 25

Height: 6'0

Weight: 189

Gender: Male 

Ethnic Background: Caucasian (Irish or Celtic) 

Sexuality: Asexual 

Occupation: Guard at a horror attraction

Hair Style: Well Kept a bit short

Hair color: Brown 

Eye color: Dark Teal 

Fears:  Heights (but only if there is no railing or something to keep from falling) 

Likes: Spending time with his Grandmother, Knitting, Peace and Quiet 

Dislikes: Some Loud noises,  Anyone making fun of his family,  Heights 

Personality: A calm quiet man of a few words often tries to just make it through life. 

Bio:  A young man hailing from Ireland born to two hard working parents and left to be raised by his grandmother and grandfather. After is grandfather died he started to help around his grandmothers farm as much as he could even during collage. After graduating he moved to the united states to find the job to help keep the farm afloat. 


Character Theme Song: 

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