Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

 "And that's the story of how Keith and I began dating," Lance said. All of the Paladins sat with Allura and Coran, just chilling and hanging out. They were sitting on the couches in the lazy room and Lance sat right next to Keith.

Keith crossed his arms yet again, but this time he was smiling. "Jeez, the way you tell it, it sounds like I went crazy."

Pidge and Hunk laughed. 

Pidge leaned forward and looked at the both of them. "You kinda did though!" Then with a sly grin, Pidge added: "You went to his room to take his innocence."

Hunk and Pidge only laughed harder at this, but Coran, Shiro, and Allura looked away, feeling embarrassed. Keith didn't bother to cover his face in shame. This time, he embraced it. "Y-Yeah!  I did! So what?"

Lance gasped dramatically. "You're admitting it to them!?" 

Keith looked at Lance and tried to hold his gaze despite feeling the embarrassment creep up on him. "Yes...I am. It's time I grew up."

"Okay..." Shiro said once everyone calmed down. He regained the control in the room. "No more secrets. Let's just get to the next planet and do our job, okay? We'll go over the plans first thing tomorrow. I want all of you to go back to training."


Keith soon realized that Pidge and Hunk were further pushing him to spend alone time with Lance. Pidge and Hunk went off on their own to train together with combat and other tactics exercises. Keith and Lance looked at each other for a while before Lance spoke up first. "So..." Lance began. "Shall we practice some hand to hand combat?"

Keith nodded, and quietly followed Lance to one of the training rooms. 

As they stretched and prepared for the training, Lance watched Keith. "Do you mind telling me about your dream?"

Keith froze mid-arm stretch. He stood up straight and looked back at him. "My mom," He said simply. "She was alive and...We were living a peaceful life together...Just me and her."

Lance nodded, trying to be serious about it. He knew the pain of missing his family, but his family weren't dead. Keith's was. Lance frowned, "I'm sorry, Keith...I just wanted to know because I was curious. I was in your dream though, right?" 

Keith cracked a smile at the change of subject. He went back to stretching and this time he lunged to the left to stretch his legs. "You appeared while I was hanging out with my mom. I kinda didn't remember you, but that's when dream you made me realize what was important."

"So what was important?" Lance asked. He walked over to Keith and stood there, wondering if he had to stretch anymore. 

Keith rolled his eyes and tapped Lance's leg, "Keep stretching. I'm not going easy on you." After Lance obeyed and copied him, Keith continued. "What's important is focusing on the present. It be in tune with my emotions and not be afraid of them."

Lance chuckled. Keith had switched stretching positions, and he mirrored him again. "Glad you were able to unlock your heart for me."

"It wasn't just for you..." Keith suddenly stopped stretching again. "It was for myself. Holding things in wasn't okay."

Lance did a last stretch  by reaching towards the ceiling then he let out a tired groan. "Okay then...I get it. I'm glad you're awake," He put his hand on Keith's shoulder to comfort him.

Keith smiled at him and leaned in for a kiss, "Thank you, Lance..."

But before Keith could press his lips to Lance,  Lance grabbed Keith's shoulders forcefully and pushed him against the wall. "I caught you off guard!" Lance exclaimed. "Now look who's going easy on me?"

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