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Today is my birthday. Yay! But it was also PE day. 

So when I woke up this morning, I knew this could go two ways. It could either be very interesting or super awesome. Guess what it was....

We started the morning with the whole school should warm up. Imagine a semi-big hall, filled with a lot of drunk people, the seniors dressed up, and the rest have been through the drunk seniors "decorating" (there was used a lot of glitter and tape). 

Already there it's meant to go wrong. So the warm up is organized by one of the drunk seniors classes! Luckily for them it's only some dance move, they were able to pull off. That's okay, I don't participate because their is a) not enough space and b) they look ridiculous. And then the last song comes on, boogie boogie.

That, my friends, is my definition of hell. Luckily I don't participate, but still. That's an awful start, to an even more awful day. 

Even though everybody is drunk, it's still PE day. We play some sports, and trough it all I slowly begin feeling worse. It's hard for me to breath, like someone is pressing on my chest. I feel, not dizzy, but a mix of that and lightheaded. You know, the exact same feeling you have before you faint. That's how I feel. 

So I eat some food, and get some to drink and it fades a little. Then we arrive to a competition called distancesrunning! You have a team, who then runs shift to run 800 meter. Now, I told myself from the start that I was not going to do that, because it would probably end with me doing something embarrassing like hyperventilating or fainting. 

But of course the boys from my class just have to be assholes. We ask to get a team, suggest that maybe the entire class do it, but the boys disagree. So then a girl from my class, who have a muscle rupture, tells the rest of the class that she is going to do it. Then I tell myself that if she can I sure as hell can too and get behind her in the line. Luckily for us most girls in the class isn't assholes, so most girl except 4, participate too. Even two boys join after intense peer pressure. 

We are ready to run! 

So we run, and already after the first round the girl with the muscle rupture is bending over because of pain. I tell her it's okay if she doesn't want to, but she keeps insisting that she still can run. Meanwhile the boys gets out of line. 

So after the second run, the girl is lying on the grass crying out in pain. The boys is still not participating or even trying to take care of her. So I ask if I can help, and then luckily one of her close friends takes over. Now it's my turn to run again. I super slow, but you know. It's fine.

The 13 minutes it over, we lost, but at least we tried, and the girl seems to have gotten a bit better. So I sit besides her and some of my friends in the grass, when it suddenly gets harder and harder for me to breath.  I start hyperventilating and panicking, because I can't breath. And then finally after the group around me helps me, I begin to breath normal. Now I just feel freaking terrible instead.

I take a pause and at some point I go to the toilets, and then when I get out, I start feeling goddamn awful. It's not only hard for me to breath, but I am super close to start hyperventilating again. I walk towards where I last saw some teachers, because I know I need help, and throws up in a trash can on the way. I get to the teachers, throw up some more, and basically I end up calling my mom and going home.

And it's super awkward, because it's my birthday and people are like: "How's your birthday?" And all I can answer is, "I'm sick." which is better than saying "freaking awful"

But technically I'm not sick, since I am fine now.

But yeah

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