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Wow. First blog post, hope people actually read this! Some more stuff about me: I take honors classes, which can get pretty tough. Every time I get an assignment back, I am afraid to look at it, although it's usually a good grade. 

Something else: I'm afraid of the dark JUST BECAUSE of a few Creepy Pastas. Thanks guys, I lost a lot of sleep thanks to you!

Another thing: I will play almost any video game you give me. I don't really care what it is, same with books. I like all kinds, except *gasp* nonfiction (pretty large chunk of literature, huh?)

I won't be updating this with a pattern, might be daily, might be weekly, IDK. So, how was everyone's American Thanksgiving? I know Canadian was a while ago, but whatever. So, let's talk My Little Pony:

(Cuts out because Dad has to check e-mail)

Let's talk My Little Pony: Apparently, the last episode was leaked. Guess who missed it? Me. I saw it legally though on Saturday. I thought it was pretty cool, and Pinkie Pie was epic. I actually predicted her being the "Pony of Shadows". You know who would've been good in that episode? Zecora. Just my opinion. Of course, Zecora is cool in everything. Also, I think Rainbow Dash is a more daring pony, even though AJ is *way* cooler. What did you guys think of it? I am attaching a link for Yin Dash's rap battle between RD and AJ. it contains strong language, so viewer descretion is advised.

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