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Heyo guys, how are you? This is Cloud again. I'd like to rant about a few things today (Namely school)

So first, I have this crap class FCS. It stands for Family Consumer Sciences. Sounds like Home Ec, right? Wrong. Instead of sewing/cooking/whatever they do in real FCS, we are essentially doing neurology. We are learning about the amygdala, hippocampus, prefrontal cortex etc. Note: Neurology is brain science. So, the other day we talked about focus and the evils of multi-tasking (Cookie Clicker+This+Clicking Bad=Bad...? I think not.) and the teacher says "So when you are in your least favorite class, do you have trouble focusing? What's your least favorite class?" I wanted to yell out "Dear God, it's FCS!!!!" But I was in fcs, and I'm not that stupid. In short, I can't stand the class.

Aldo, I have some good (and partially bad) news: I made all-county band! I had practice today (No school, wheeeee!) and it was exhausting. I find it hard to make friends, and today was not an exception >.< Most people are weirded out by my brony-ness. Whats bad is that I have it all day tomorrow, and then a concert later that day. Fun. Oh well.

Something I don't think I have mentioned: I'm in my school's marching band. We played some pretty cool songs for our halftime shows: Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites, All of the Lights, and Ghostbusters.

If you haven't heard the first one, watch the video on the side.

Also, dedication to Rarity_bosss for being our first fan!

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