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OHMAHGAWD I'm so sorry I have been so inactive lately. I've been reading another book on fimfiction.net, and it's really long. Once again, I'm sorry. 8 daez till Christmas! I'm saved, are you :?

Rarirty_bosss, stop imitating my stories :P 

So, I found the best part of the lunch table today: the place that nobody sits at, except now I sit there. So now people sit even farther away from there. I don't have friends :D

Sometimes, I feel like I should kill myself. But then I'm like NOBODY CAN HAVE MY STUFF! IT'S MINE! and dismiss the thoughts.

OHMAHGAWD. I shouldn't have read homestuck, now I'm so addicted. I took the troll test and got Eridan. ERIDAN? Seriously? Swan is Nepida, so anyone who is past Act 5 understands that we 1. Are both dead and 2. Were.....lovers?

Incest I mean what?

I made my first QT in clicking bad today, yay! It took long enough..... 

The reason I sit alone is because some people who used to be my friends aren't my friends now. One kid, whom I had an argument with, kind of took my firends. One of them kind of became my firend again, but he became a jerk.

"All By Myself"....

I mean, what?

Anyone get the "Morphine" Reference?

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