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Hi guys! Do you like my OC? I am naming him Ember. In the second chapter of My Protector, Ember is mentioned by the Doc. This is that same guy, only human. So, I guess you could picture him as a human and he will be formally introduced later.

On another note, County Band was really cool. In the link I have my favorite song that we played (Although this wasn't us, still the same song.) It is called Rising Star. So, I'm going to say this now: I really really REALLY like Apple Jack. So, when our director told us that we could just write something to remind us of something that we really like on our music, I put AJ in really small print. And every time I hear this song, I am close to tears. It's just so beautiful, and if you aren't sentimental, you are in luck because I am changing the subject.

So, my youth group does this thing once a year where we go to the local mall and have kind of a scavenger hunt. Yes, we have been yelled at by security once so this time, we are clearing it with them first XD. Then, there are the youth leaders and other members of the church who try to find us and if we get caught we have to do something embarrassing like sing or do push-ups or something. I hope we don't have to sing the MLP theme in public, that would be just plain embarrassing.

At county band, there were like 3 people trying to find the other people who street passed them. We all kind of ran into each other all at once. Then we had a fun round of Mario kart DS. I have MC7 and the gold tires so I am used to having bad handling. Let's just say that shy guy with standard is VERY maneuverable.

Well, I also have a song of the day: Timewarp by Noisestorm. I don't mean the old one, I mean the dubstep one on Monstercat's 9th album. Cya later, and stay cool..? (needs better catchphrase, whoever come up with one gets a free dedication!)

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