Yandere!Craig X Reader- M͠͡Į͟͞NȨ͜

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 Craig didn't think it was possible to feel this way about anyone, let alone the new girl, but that didn't stop his face from warming up, and what could only be describes as a fluttery feeling to develop in the pit of his stomach as she introduces herself to the class. As she makes her way to her seat, he can feel his heart skip a beat at the possibility of her desk being near his. He's not sure why she has this effect on him, but the closer she walks in his direction, the more those feelings intensify into an internal frenzy that Craig isn't comfortable with.

 All those feelings are destroyed when she sits in the only available seat, which happens to be next to the class pervert, Kenny McCormick. 

 "A-are you alright?" Tweek asks as Craig looks down to see that his pencil is now in two pieces. 

 "I guess." Craig shrugs, and places the pencil down in front of his notebook; it wasn't like he takes notes, or does ant of the assigned classwork to begin with. Tweek doesn't ask anymore questions, and class goes by pretty quickly. 

 As Craig and his gang walk out of the classroom, he glances over to see Kenny standing with (Y/N), no doubt trying to woo her before anyone else can. That anger returns when she starts giggling at each stupid pick up line and joke, and only increases when he moves closer to her. The final straw is when Kenny leans in and places his hand on her arm while whispering something to the sweet (h/c) haired girl. With a growl, Craig clenches his fists and punches the closest thing to him, a locker, right as Mr. Mackey is walking by.

 "Tucker! My office now-did you just flip me off?!"


  At the end of the day, Craig notices (Y/N) walking to a locker while holding Kenny's hand. He's not sure why, but seeing someone as sweet as her, with someone as dirty as Kenny makes his blood boil. It's not until she kisses his filthy cheek, that Craig completely loses it.

 When the couple go their separate ways, Craig follows Kenny, making sure to remain unnoticed, until Kenny is completely alone, or at the very least away from (Y/N). Craig walks a little faster until he's right behind Kenny, and without any hesitation, pushes him into the heavy traffic. Time seems to slow down as Kenny's eyes meet with Craig's and the shock and disbelief is the last expression on the blonde's face. 

 He killed Kenny.

 Craig looks at the scene in front of him, and his lips twist up into a wicked smile. With Kenny out of the way, (Y/N) will finally be with him, and only him. He laughs to himself as he walks home with a small bounce in his step. Tomorrow he would get to know (Y/N), and she would be his, and his only. 

 Craig's dreams consist of him and (Y/N), his beautiful (Y/N), holding hands, kissing, getting Stripe his own (Y/N) in the form of a female guinea pig, and then finally, expressing the ultimate form of their love-

 The alarm clock blares, taking Craig out of his perfect dream. He punches the alarm with enough force to break it, and sits up to rub his eyes. His heart is racing again, and it takes him a moment to finally calm down from the feeling of butterflies swarming in his stomach. 

 "Today I'm going to win her over." he tells himself as he gets ready for classes. He hastily get's dressed, brushes his hair, and puts his blue chullo hat on. He walks to the bus stop, planning to get (Y/N) to sit next to him so they can talk, and after they become closer, he'll tell her how he feels about her, and maybe he could become normal, run away with her, and not have the urges anymore...

 He makes it to the bus stop, much to the surprise of his friends, who expect him to arrive at the last possible minute. He just casually flips them off while they wait for the bus.

 "Did you hear about the new girl?" Clyde asks as he's looking down at his phone. "Looks like she and Kenny just became Facebook official." Craig feels as if someone's punched him in the gut. He's angry, and for reasons he doesn't understand, something about the news makes him feel a little uneasy.

 "That was fast, even for him." Craig comments dryly as he tries to keep from losing his temper. "But it's not going to last." he's certain that deep down (Y/N) knows that she belongs with him, and she feels nothing for Kenny. Maybe she just forgot that. 

"How do you know that?" Clyde asks as he looks up from his screen. Craig just shrugs, and with an annoyed frown, Clyde goes back to looking at his phone.

 When the bus arrives, Craig is the last one to walk up the steps. He looks around, hoping that maybe (Y/N) wouldn't be on the bus yet, and to his delight, he finds the (h/c) girl sitting by herself. He refuses to waste this opportunity, and walks over to her seat.

 "Mind if I sit here?" he asks in the usual monotone voice. She picks up her backpack, and places it over her lap. "Thanks." she politely nods in response. Craig can feel his gang giving him weird looks for not flipping her off, but he ignores it as he talks to the new girl. "Do you like it here in this shit mountain town?"

   "Yes, I love it here." (Y/N) replies after a moment. "Everyone I've met has been really nice so far." he glances over and notices that she has a soft pink dusting over her cheeks. "So...you and Kenny?" he isn't sure why he's asking her this, but he needs to hear it for himself.

 That blush intensifies, until her cheeks are a bright red. "No...we aren't together. He's just a really good friend." As she answers, Kenny walks onto the bus and gives Craig a death glare, much to the stoic boy's confusion. "Why do you ask?" her question catches him off guard.

 "W-well you see..." Craig tries to explain as his stomach feels like it's in knots. He wants to tell her that Kenny is a pervert, and known as the womanizer in the class, but he's afraid she won't believe him and have her heart broken. "I heard a rumor about it being official, but that was a lie." the last part is meant to be a question, but saying it out loud makes him realize how stupid it is. 

 "Hey (Y/N)." Kenny startles them as he stops by their seat. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to show you around town yesterday; something unexpected hit me." even with his voice muffled, there's malice in the last few words. "I can do that after school today if you-"

 "I'm already helping her." Craig cuts him off as he turns to (Y/N), wrapping an arm around her protectively. Kenny looks a little surprised at first, but then it turns to anger. He begrudgingly accepts this, and tells Craig to treat (Y/N) well, before going to sit with Kyle. (It didn't hurt that the bus driver was telling him to sit down.)

 "You didn't have to do that." (Y/N) stutters out. Craig notices that she's still blushing.

 "I didn't have to, but I wanted to..." he wants to tell her that she makes him feel strange things, but decides to keep that to himself in fear that it would scare her away. She doesn't say much after that, and for the rest of the bus ride, he enjoys sitting with her.

She would become his...


Requested by Thekawaiidocotor

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