Mysterion x reader- My hero

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 It was late at night when (Y/N) finally got to head home after a long evening at Raisins. Yes, it wasn't the best place to work at, but the girls were kind to her, and making the food wasn't too difficult. For the most part, her job was easy, and getting home would be uneventful.

 Unfortunately that all changed.

 (Y/N) was walking home, as she holds onto her coat, keeping it close to her as she walks down the alley. She gets the feeling that someone is watching her, but each time she turns, nothing is there. The third time she checks, she tries to make herself relax, but as soon as she turns away, she sees someone standing in front of her. With a startled gasp, (Y/N) steps back, prepared to yell for help, when the figure steps forward, grabbing her arm and putting their hand over her mouth. (Y/) is tempted to scream, but knowing that will only make things worse, she does the first thing that comes to mind. She bits down on the stranger's hand, while stomping on their foot.

 As the stranger yells and curses, (Y/N) turns and runs in the opposite direction. She tries to get back to Raisins and get Maury, or anyone who can help her, but she doesn't get far before someone tackles her down to the ground. She doesn't need to turn to know it's the creep.

 "Let me go!" She yells as she violently thrashes. She feels the stranger pull her hair, and she lets out a pained cry.  "I don't have anything to offer you! I'm just the cook." Tears start to sting her (E/C) eyes. She tries to blink them away, but his grip on her hair tightens making the pain worse.

"Liar! You're one of those stupid whores!" the stranger yells as they raise their hand and curl it into a fist. As (Y/N) closes her eyes, bracing herself for the punch, she feels something push the stranger off of her, and soon the sounds of a struggle can be heard. 

As she awkwardly gets to her feet, she notices a boy, around her age fighting the stranger. She watches as he beats up the stranger, striking them in ways that couldn't be human. When they finally fall, the boy turns to her.

"T-thank you." (Y/N) feels her face heat up.

 "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?" the boy moves closer, brushing aside some hair to check for any marks or cruises. 

"I...I'm fine; just a little shaken up" she replies as she feels more and more flustered. "I should be used to disgruntled customers, but I never imagined one would go after me." she tries to make up an excuse, and she isn't sure if he doesn't buy it, or doesn't want to make her more uncomfortable.

"Would you like me to walk you home?" he asks as he offers her his hand. With a nod, she takes it, and he helps guide her back to the safety of her own neighborhood until they finally reach her house. (Y/N) unlocks her door, and when she turns to ask if he'd like a water, or something to snack on, he's gone.


 Over the next few nights, all (Y/N) can think of is the boy. She learns that his name is Mysterion, but that's the only piece of information that she's able to figure out. She tries to find out as much as she can, but the harder she tries, the more weird rumors she finds. Soon her fascination starts to interfere with her work, and it's not long until the Raisin girls decide to confront her.

 "Are you alright, (Y/N)?" Lexus asks as she has their friend sit down. "We noticed the food has been slipping a little, and you've been distracted."

 "I-I...I'm fine." (Y/N) tries to assure them, but it doesn't work.

 "Do you think you can bullshit us?" Lexus asks as she looks at (Y/N) with a stern expression. "I've worked here long enough to know that you've got it bad for someone." Porsche lets out a small gasp, but before she can gush on about how cute it is, Lexus gives a warning glare.

 "What? No!" (Y/N) feels her face heat up. "It's just some guy who saved my life a few nights ago and made sure I got home safely. I don't even know him..." she trails off as she looks at the ground. 'There's no way I could like way at all' she thinks as she tries to convince herself that it's nothing more than admiration. 

 "Then tell us, (Y/N) how did you feel when you first met him." 

 "What is there to say?" (Y/N) asks as she remembers that night in the alley. "When I first met him, I" she struggles to find the right words. "I felt safe, but at the same time really nervous? Kinda like a fluttery feeling in the pit of my stomach." she pauses for a moment. "When I think about him, a part of that feeling lingers."

"Crush." The other girls unanimously reply, without a moment of hesitation.

 "That's really, really cute." Porsche giggles. "It would be so sweet if you two were like Romeo and Juliet, but without the dying. Now that I think about it, why is that so popular? They should have lived, like Bella and Edward-"

 "We get it, Porsche." Mercedes cuts her off. "So, (Y/N), who's the lucky guy?" upon hearing the answer, the other girls gasp. " can't be serious. Mysterion?" (Y/N) nods. "(Y/N), we care about you, and I don't want you to be hurt, but do you really think it would work out? He's like our version of Batman. Nobody knows anything about him." 

 "I know," (Y/N) sighs. "but I don't know what to do."


 "Are you sure this will work?" (Y/N) asks as she nervously looks outside. "This seems like a kinda bad idea...what if he doesn't agree?"

 "You need to believe in yourself more." Lexus says as she helps give (Y/N) a small makeover.

 "Yeah! Come on girl, you're one of us." Mercedes teases with a small wink. "He'd be an idiot to turn you down." You nervously laugh as one of the girls applies a little blush. The makeup is a little brighter than (Y/N) is comfortable with, but by the end of it, some of the girls' confidence rubs off onto her, and soon she's ready to find Mysterion and tell him how she feels.

 After the makeover, (Y/N) walks outside, and walks toward the alley from before. As expected, the alley is dark and extremely quiet. Occasionally she hears a small animal bump into a trashcan, but the deafening silence is all that accompanies her. With a small sigh, she looks around, waiting for her hero to show up but times seems to drag on and the night becomes colder. After checking her phone a couple times, she notices that it's late now, and he won't be showing up. With a heavy heart, she sighs and turns to walk home. 

 "What are you doing?" that familiar voice stops (Y/N) in her tracks. She turns, and looks at the masked hero, only to feel worse when she notices his arms are crossed over his chest. She can feel his gaze burning into him, and can only look down in shame. "It's dangerous out here, someone could have hurt you." she can tell that he's forcing himself not to yell as he scolds, and that makes her feel worse.

 "I-I...I had to see you again." she blurts out. Mysterion's eyes widen in surprise for a moment, but his stern expression quickly returns. "I know this is sudden, but I like you...I-I...I really, really like you." she steps closer to him.  

 She shyly looks up at him, as that nervous butterfly feeling returns. She moves closer and closer, until she's directly in front of him.She lowers her hands to cover his, and before she knows what's going on, she leans in until her lips brush against his. The kiss is brief, and she's near certain that he kisses her back, before he steps back.  

 "This was a mistake." With a hurt expression, (Y/N) watches as he disappears into the night. 


Requested by Goddess011

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