Kenny X Poor!Reader- Everyday struggle II

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 (Y/N) wasn't sure what to expect on her first date with Kenny, but she didn't expect him to surprise her the way that he did. Yes, he's known as one of the most perverted boys in the school, and yes, he did tease her a lot, and slip in some innuendos, but despite his reputation, he still made sure (Y/N) had a good time, and felt comfortable with him. It didn't take long for the first date to lead to the second, and by the third, she officially became his girlfriend.

 For the first time, in a very long time, (Y/N) felt something that she had been missing in her life for a very long time, love.


 About a few months into their relationship, and (Y/N) is helping some people on a tutoring site she signed up for. With some encouragement, she decided to offer her services to help other students, and started earning money. It might not have been much, but she could use it to help with groceries, and whatever she didn't spend would be saved for college. 

 As she finishes helping the last student, she hears a knock at the door. After logging out, (Y/N) gets up and checks the peephole to see who it was. She's surprised to see her boyfriend, standing with a younger girl. The little girl is visibly shaken, and clinging onto him for dear life as he tries to comfort her. With little hesitation, (Y/N) opens the door and lets them in.

 "I'm sorry to bother you, (Y/N), but we had a family emergency, and need a place to stay." Kenny's quick response is a little muffled, but after all the time spent with him, she could finally understand him. 

 "It's alright." (Y/N) tries to give them a comforting smile. She doesn't press them for what happened, and instead decides to help make them feel as safe as possible. "And who are you?" she asks the little girl.

 "Karen." the little girl meekly replies as she holds onto Kenny's sleeve. 

 "It's very nice to meet you, Karen." (Y/N) smiles as she replies to the little girl. "Would you like something to eat? I made some pizza." the Karen instantly brightens up and nods. (Y/N) leads them into the kitchen, and takes the breakfast pizza out of the toaster oven. She makes sure to give Kenny and Karen most of the meal, before quickly opening the fridge to get some water. 

 "Thank you, (Y/N)." Karen smiles as she sits down and places her doll next to her. She starts eating the pizza as Kenny gestures for (Y/N) to follow him into the living room. 

 "You didn't have to do that." he says as he watches his little sister out of a protective instinct. "But I'm glad you did."

 "I know how much she means to you." (Y/N) replies as she glances at him before turning to look at his sister. "You're such an amazing big brother; she's so lucky to have you."

 "Aww, (Y/N) you're gonna make me blush." he teases with a small laugh. "And..." he leans in to whisper to her. "You have me too." 

 (Y/N) brushes him off, and gets a slice of the breakfast pizza. Kenny soon joins them, and the three of them eat. 

 "(Y/N)?" Karen asks as she helps them clean up.

 "Yeah?" (Y/N) replies as she uses a sponge to clean the plates. 

 "Where are your parents?" 

 (Y/N) nearly drops the plate as she freezes up. She knew that one day she would have to tell Kenny everything about her and her family's situation, but she didn't expect it to happen this way. She's about to answer, when Kenny cuts her off, telling Karen that it's time to get ready for bed. (Y/N) is left alone in the room as Kenny helps his little sister get ready to go to bed.

 A few moments later, Kenny walks back into the living room. He sits next to (Y/N) on the couch, and the two sit in silence for a moment before (Y/N) decides to speak up.

 "I should have told you from the beginning, but it's so embarrassing." (Y/N) lets out a sigh. "I...I'm really sorry."

 "For what?" She can tell that Kenny is really confused. 

 "For not telling you the truth. My parents are barely home, because they spend most of their time working. It's been this way practically since I was born." she stares down at the flooring as she explains her situation. "They haven't told me much, but I've seen the bills...the dept is really bad." she's a little startled when Kenny pulls her into him, embracing her as he kisses the top of her head.

 "(Y/N), I wouldn't think any less of you." he reassures her as he moves her onto his lap. "I know how it feels." she remembers being over at his house a couple times, and start to feel guilty. (Y/N) isn't sure how, but he senses it, and holds her closer.

 "Thank you, Kenny." (Y/N) leans up and kisses him on the cheek. "I'm really lucky you have you...I...I love you."

 He lowers his hood, and kisses her on the lips. "I love you too, (Y/N)."


This was originally requested by Fan-Girl01, or at least part one was. I wasn't too happy with how the first part ended, so I added this in.

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