Chase and I

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Chase's POV

I walked in the house and set my keys on the kitchen table. I walked into the living room and heard tiny feet running in my direction. I looked down and noticed Leah(Lay-ah) running towards me with her arms open.

"D-daddy!!" She was screaming and had a huge grin across her face.

"Hey mama." I bent down and picked her up. "Where's mommy?"

She hugged me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Mommy..mommy sleepin."

She pointed down the hall. I smiled and we walked down the hall and into the guest room, where I found Rolland.

I walked over to the bed and set Leah on it.

"Wake mommy up, nicely." I whispered to her.

She nodded and bent down and kissed Rolland on her forehead. When she sat back up she looked at me, then Rolland again.

"She..she not wakin up."

I laughed. "Try tapping her."

She smiled then tapped Rolland on the head; then she blew on her face.

Rolland moved and groaned, she opened her eyes slowly smiling.

"Hello love." She mainly spoke to Leah, but she knew I was in the room too.

She sat up and got off the bed standing in front of me. She got on her tippy toes and gave me a kiss.

"Ewww.. Mommy, d-don't do that."

Rolland turned around and looked at Leah and laughed; then grabbed her and spun her around.

While they were playing around I walked down the hall and went upstairs to our bedroom. I took off my shoes and clothes, and took a shower.

Rolland's POV

I was in Leah's room, rocking her to sleep. I had been here for 15 minutes, and she had closed her eyes about 5 minutes ago.

I stood up with her in my arms and laid her in her bed. Then walked out and into mine and Chase's room.

He was laying in bed on his phone. I closed the bedroom door behind me and got in bed, straddling him.

"Chase." I looked down at him, and he hasn't taken he's eyes off his phone yet. "Chase." I said a little louder.

He looked up and shut his phone off. "Sorry babe, I had to handle some things."

He grabbed my waist and just held it and looked up at me.

I looked down into his light green eyes and it made me think back to three years ago.

The first time I had seen those eye's, I had been hanging around with my friend Jazzy. We were walking downtown and I bumped into him spilling his drink all over him.

I looked away from his eyes and focused my eyes on his features. Sandy brown curly hair, light mocha skin and his one dimple in his left cheek.

"What you thinking about?"

I stopped zoning off, and looked at him; back in his eyes.

"You." I smiled, really big.

I never thought I'd been this happy..Well, I did imagine it, but not with someone who wasn't Lucky.

I kind of felt a weird feeling in my stomach, I haven't spoken of Lucky in three whole years. I mean, he's on my mind every time I see our daughter.. And oh, does she look like him!

Her smile..worth a million dollars. She has hazel eyes..his attitude but his heart..she's a little Thug and I love her.

"Can I ask you a question?" I set my hands on top of his chest.

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