The Real Him:: Part 2

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Rolland's POV

It was two days since my last visit from Lucky. He came back today, and we're attempting to work things out.

"So what do I do, Lucky?" I asked holding his hand across the table.

"Stick to the plan, I promise you'll be okay baby." He smiled lightly.

I looked in his eyes, and I noticed something different. It's the way he was looking at me, it's like nothing I've ever seen before.

"Rolland?" He asked.


"I want you to know that I care about you. Even when I treat you like shit, it's all for the best. I am sorry that I've done this to you, everything. And it's taken me time to realize how I feel about you, but now I know." He paused.

"Lucky..." I spoke quietly.

He shook his head. "Unfortunately I've lost you to another man. It makes me feel like I'm your second choice, and this feeling really sucks. But there is something I wanted to say, that's I've never said to any girl." He intertwined our fingers together.

I looked down at our hands then back at him.

"I love you. I really do." He looked at me, piercing my skin; waiting for my reaction.

I stuttered to get my words out, so I sat in silence for a moment.

"Rolland?" He held my hands tighter.

"I never thought you'd say that." I whined a little. "I love you too."

He smiled.

Then I continued to speak. "But, I can't drop everything to be with you. It seems like I've been doing that the moment you came back into my life. I need to finish online school, get a good job and a new house for Leah and I. But I can't just up and leave Chase either; that's not right."

He nodded his head. "I understand; and I'm about to go. I hope everything goes good tomorrow."

He stood up, then left the room.

Lucky's POV

"Nah Jaz, she don't wanna be with me." I said, as I slapped a card on the table; blackjack.

Jaz smiled. "She wants to be with you, she just doesn't know how to." She placed two new cards on the table.

I looked at my cards, then back at her. "Hit me."

She slapped a card on the table, then laughed lightly.

"Busted." I whispered.

She took the cards and placed them to the side. "Look, don't be sad. You know she wants you, and you can have her; but you have to give her time to work things out with Chase. I mean, she can't just drop him for you. Chase has been there for Rolland since Leah was in R's stomach; don't think you can walk in and make everything your way."

I looked at Jaz and nodded. Man, I love this girl, she tells me the truth and don't sugarcoat anything; she's not like these other females.

"You're real...I like that." I replied.

She winked. "Thanks bae."

We both laughed and continued to play cards until my boy Trent came home and took Jaz into their bedroom.

Chase's POV

I woke up next to Hope. Shit, this is the second day I've been with her; I got to cut her off.

"Morning handsome." She smiled.

I glanced at her. "Oh, hey." I got out of her bed and looked around the room.

"What you need baby? You feeling okay? Are you about to leave?" She asked.

I gave her a death glare. "Stop speaking, okay?" She's irritating me.

She stood up, and came towards me. "Baby what happened? We had fun last night."

She wrapped her arm around me. "Didn't you have fun?"

I pushed her off me. "Didn't I say stop speaking?! Damn!"

She stumbled back, then came charging at me. She was hitting me in my stomach but it didn't phase me.

"I hate you! I knew you were like the rest!" She screamed at me.

"Bitch, all I wanted was some pussy! You ain't mean shit to me!" I held her off me, for a moment. Then, I picked her up throwing her body into a wall.

She screamed and tried to kick me.

I looked at her mouth and for a moment it sounded like she said my real name; the name I hate.

"What did you just say?" I yelled.

She paused and tried to get out my grip.

I held her neck, gripped tighter. I started to hear the voices in my head, again.

'Chancton, you fucking devil'

'Kill her, you already have her pinned'

'You will never change, you will be forever and always Chancton'

I held Hope tighter until I heard a cracking sound.

"Stop telling me what to do!!" I yelled, then I dropped her body to the ground.

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