"R&B Singer"

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Rolland's POV

Lucky and I are back in California, we're moving my things out of Chase and I's old house.

Chase was watching me, every move I make, breath I take. I set a box down and walked over to him.

"Look, I'm sorry. But this is what I need." I spoke.

"So you fucked him while we were together?" He asked.

"Love..I made love." I took a step back and grabbed the box I set down moments ago and put it on the trunk of our new Audi Truck.

I waved bye to Chase as Lucky and I got in the truck; driving home.

Lucky's POV

I'm glad her shit ain't at his home anymore. I can relax a bit, just focus on my family for now.

I grabbed R's hand and held it tight.

"Wife material." I said lowly, smiling.

I felt her place my hand on her big belly.

"He's kicking." She said.

I glanced at her. "How do you know it's a boy?"

She smiled. "A mother knows."

I felt the little kicks against my hand. I smiled. I hope it's a boy, so I can teach him to be a man. Unlike my father, I'm going to be there to do that...make sure he doesn't follow my foot steps.

I let go of her stomach while keeping my eyes on the road.

"Three more months." Rolland rubbed her stomach.

It's crazy, this is my second child. I'm not going to lie, I'm growing up really fast. Shit, been in jail, had a baby with my girl; moved into another state. Seems like I'm doing the same thing again..years later.

Rolland's POV

It's was a long drive home, but I loved it. I either spent time in silence, getting relaxed or talking to Lucky about our future.

When we were home I looked around the new bedroom and sat on the bed.

"Babe!" I shouted.

I heard Lucky come up the stairs with bags in his hands.

"Yes baby?" He asked setting our bags on the ground.

"Can you run me some bath water?" I asked.

"One moment baby." He turned around to grab our bags.

"Baby! I asked you to run my bath water!" I shouted.

"Rolland! Give me one damn minute!" He threw my bag on the bed.

I looked at him and started crying.

Lucky's POV

She looked at me with these big brown eyes, and started crying. I walked over to her and held her.

"Baby, I didn't mean to yell. I'm sorry." I pulled her closer to me.

"You hate me, don't you?" She said whimpering.

"No baby, no. Hate is far from what I feel about you." I said kissing her forehead.

It's really been a long night. After I made Rolland her bath water and she finished, we watched a movie together but she started crying in the middle of it because the baby was kicking really hard.

I ran my hands over her stomach trying to keep her calm. She got so irritated and I didn't know what to do.

Out of no where, I stared singing to her. I sang low, but loud enough for her to hear.

She grew silent."You can sing." She giggled.

I looked up at her. "He stopped kicking?"

She nodded.

I nodded back and laid on the side of her. I was quiet, until she started sighing again.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Kicking." She began to breath out her mouth harshly.

I grabbed her hand. "It's okay babygirl."

She squeezed my hand. "I feel like I'm getting a contraction now."

I let go of her hand and grabbed my phone. I dialed my ma's number.

"Hello?" She answered.

I told her everything that was going on and she told me just to keep Rolland calm. I don't know how I'm suppose to keep a pregnant woman calm, everything makes her angry or cry.

I hung up from my mom and ran back to the bed.

"Want some ice cream baby?" I asked hoping she'd say yes.

"No." She shifted her body.

"Want me to rub your stomach?"

She sighed. "No baby."

"What do you want me to do? It seems like nothing calms you down. And I do-" She cut me off.

"Sing to me." She said quickly.

I looked at her. "Look baby.. I'm a thug not a sin-"

"If you don't sing to me I will shove my little foot in your ass." She hit me in my chest.

I shook my head.

"These are the pro's and con's

Imma give it to you.

These are the up's and down's

Imma sing it to you.

This is what you can expect when you're dealing with a real, R&B singer."

I sang some other songs to her afterwards and she fell asleep. I rubbed my eyes and cut our T.V off.

I glanced at her for the last time, tonight. I've never sang for any girl, but she's not 'any girl'. She's wife material, and I think it's time I make it official..soon.

My ThugTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon