Choices To Make

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Rolland's POV

It's morning, I've been up for three hours now. I grabbed my phone off the table and looked at the time, 7:34.

"Leah should be up any minute now." I spoke softly to him.

"Don't worry, she's fine. What you need to do, is figure out how you're going to fix things." He grabbed my hands.

"I know. It's not easy." I shook my head.

"There's a lot that you've just let go of, and you need to bring It back. Sometimes the past is a good thing."

I sighed. "I haven't talk to her in years, I'm sure she disowned me by now."

"If she really loves you, she'll appreciate the fact that you're contacting her after all this time."

I nodded. "Alright."

I unlocked my phone and went in my contacts and looked for her number. I was going to press call but something came over me.

"What?" He asked.

"What if her number isn't the same? Then what do I do?"

He shrugged. "Focus on the positives babygirl."

So, I pressed call. My stomach started turning as I heard the rings go by and by.

"Hello?" She sounded, happy.

"Hey mom. How are you?" I asked shyly.

"Rolland? This is you?"


I heard crying over the phone. "What happened? I haven't seen you since you were pregnant."

"I know...I just, needed to get away." Honestly, that's not a good enough of an excuse but, it's all I could say.

"Oh my word. How are you? The baby?"

I cleared my throat. "We're good, she's getting big."

"Are you still with that boy?" She asked quietly.

I laughed. "Umm, I don't know mom." I got sad.

"What do-"

"Everything seemed okay. But a lot has happened within that past month and a half. I don't even know if I love him anymore." I cried lightly.

"Honey I-"

"Wait! There's more... Lucky isn't dead, and he lives in California too. We talk, we're actually together right now. And mom, he's a good dad; he's trying to be the best."

She was silent.

"Hello?" I asked.

"So, Lucky is alive?"

I wiped my eyes. "Yeah."

"Do you remember what he did to you?"

I sniffed. "Yes, but you have to learn to forgive people."

"You're right. Sorry."

"It's okay Hanna. And sorry I just started crying, I just needed to hear your voice or at least know things were okay with you."

"Thank you. It was nice talking to you, call me later."

"Okay." I spoke, she hung up quickly.

Lucky's POV

An hour after Rolland calling Hanna, and Leah waking up, I took them to breakfast.

It was nice, I sat next to Leah, while Rolland was across from us.

The conversation bounced all around but it got serious after awhile. I spoke about Chase and him pushing Rolland down.

"It doesn't happen often." That was her reply.

I asked why she was with him, and how she could deal with something like that.

She replied. "He's no you, he's easier."

I felt like this wasn't the Rolland I use to know. But, I'm not the same either. I also asked why she didn't put a restraining order against me, after she knew I was alive.

"You're not suppose to have a restraining order against the person you love."

I was caught off guard, a little. "How do you know what you're feeling isn't lust instead of love?" I asked.

She paused. "I don't really know. I just know it feels right."

After breakfast I was on my way to drop Rolland and my daughter off. When I was at her house, I grabbed her hand.

"Make the right choice. And honestly, I'm starting to think it isn't me. You have a good man, who loves and cares for you; he just needs to straighten some things out."

I leaned in and kissed her on her forehead. "I'm always here for you. So, don't hesitate to give me a call, about anything."

She smiled and nodded. We both stepped out the car, I opened the back door and unbuckled Leah; while Rolland grabbed her bags.

"Bye princess."

"Bye bye." She gave me a hug and I walked her to the door with Rolland.

Rolland unlocked the door and set the bags down.

"Leah go put these in your room, okay?"

I set Leah down and she grabbed one bag and started dragging it towards the stairs. I smiled then looked at Rolland.

"Thank you." I spoke in a whisper.

"For what?"

"Keeping Leah, and giving me a chance to be a good father. I appreciate that, really."

She smiled. "Goodbye."

"Bye." I turned around, heading back to my car.

Once I was inside I looked to make sure Rolland was in the house; she was.

I grabbed my phone calling Trent.


"We gonna do this today or not? I got the guns in the trunk and masks in a bag."

"Yeah, scoop me up."

"Yeah." I hung up the phone, and was on my way.

Rolland's POV

I was in my bedroom plugging up my phone and Leah walked in.

"Mommy, what's this?" She had a bag in her hand and I looked inside.

"Are you serious?" I spoke to myself as I pulled out two black ski masks. "He hasn't changed."

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