Three: Hazel Eyes

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Jared lived in a Georgian brick-built mansion located in the middle of the woods of Verum Valley. With him lived Tomo, his long time friend whom he had met in 1878. They've known each other for almost two hundred years. Both, along with Jared's older brother who had left them many years back, had turned into vampires within the same year in 1885. Jared was born in 1841, his brother one year senior his age, and Tomo in 1847. This makes Jared and Tomo almost two centuries old. Jared had found family and trust in Tomo throughout the years, and so did Tomo in Jared. Through the years, they were able to make life easier by moving around every ten to twenty years whenever they needed a change. As of this moment, Jared and Tomo resided in Verum Valley. A small town in northeastern Louisiana. The existence of vampires wasn't new to Verum Valley, everyone knew of them, and the town had their own set of laws for vampires too. Verum Valley was co-vampire friendly for many years, and Jared sort of liked that idea of peace since no other state offered that to their kind.

It was already night time. Jared stood in their parlor alone with a brush in hand, painting on an easel which he started as a distraction from the events of the night before. The room was massive and surrounded by floor to ceiling bookshelves, historical paintings, dark Victoria wallpaper, and antique furniture which completed the room giving it a Gothic vibe. In it, another two sets of doors opened to the library which matched the size of the parlor.

" I can't find any type O," Tomo's voice came as he walked into the parlor. Tomo had two empty blood bags in hand as he stumbled on a painting bottle and cursed under his breath; looking over at Jared in annoyance who still had his back to him. "When are we getting our next package?" He came behind Jared and paused to observe the new painted portrait. It was a painting of a women with hazel eyes and dark hair, but she was missing her other face features. Jared stepped back and studied the painting next to Tomo.

Tomo was shorter than Jared, but shared the same hair color. He didn't have the looks Jared had, but he wasn't bad looking either. With his hair slid back and stubble beard cut, it gave him a fine profile. Tomo looked at Jared strangely, then said, "Listen we're out of type O blood bags," Tomo reminded him once more. "You know I don't like any other type, so where are the rest of my blood bags? There were a dozen yesterday!"

"You devoured the whole fridge last night. It was empty when I came back and you were passed out on the couch with about ten empty blood bags around you." Jared replied nonchalantly, keeping his eyes on the portrait to see if it needed any more touches to hide it's identity. " You were drunk as fuck. I had to drag you to the basement before the sun came up and burnt you to death." Jared then turned to grin at his friend and grabbed the painting from the easel. "Don't look at me like that. It's not my fault you don't know how to seduce women to your bed."

Tomo exaggerated his gasp while Jared kept his grin and headed to his bedroom at the left side wing of the mansion. "I can't believe you fucking think this is why I got drunk last night!" Tomo sighed in defeat as he followed Jared through the dimly lit hallway to his bedroom.

Jared's room was just as dim as the the hallway. The mansion was over a hundred years old, the wood floor creaked under their feet as they passed the hall. His room had a king sized bed, his personal bookshelf on one side of the wall facing his bed. The floor to ceiling windows on the left side wall of the bed, a bathroom with a walk-in closet next to his bookshelves. On the far right side of the room wall, he had his Victorian mahogany desk with tons books stocked on top of it and more painting equipment. Jared placed the portrait gently next to his bed and sat on the edge of his bed facing Tomo while trying his best to hold his laugh in.

"You don't plan to hang this one in the house?" Tomo pointed at the portrait.

"No." Jared glanced at the portrait once then back at Tomo. " I think I wanna keep this one in here, it's not finished anyway."

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