Sixteen: No pun intended

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Disclaimer: this chapter includes some sexual content, if you're triggered by that stuff in any way then make sure to skip Shannon's part.

It had been just short minutes since the Sun had set. Jared was the first to rise up from his coffin. His head was aching but he instantly remembered who waited him upstairs in his house. He headed up straight away. Once he reached the first floor, he stood by the threshold of the basement door to take in his own place and sighed in wonder. It looked, no..smelled somewhat different.

His eyes darted around the place for Anna but she wasn't at sight; Jared could still feel her presence in the house so he paced to his bedroom and found her laying next to Ryan on his bed. Jared paused by the door and frowned; Anna looked up at him at the sound of the door and held a finger up to her lips. She approached him slowly and walked out of the room alongside him.

Jared noticed her in new clothes, her hair brushed down straight and face clean from any makeup from the night before.

Anna lurched in next to him. She looked at Jared and smiled softly, looking more hopeful than the night before, yet still she had a glint of sadness in her eyes. " I did clean up the room while I was up earlier, there was..a lot of blood on the floor." Anna inhaled as she remembered Ryan's blood that she had wiped just a few hours ago. When she noticed Jared looking over her body for the second time she added, "I went back to my house for a change." She blushed just slightly.

Jared smiled back, and nodded in appreciation. He then glanced at the front door and back at Anna, but when he locked eyes with her, he said, "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine, just worried about Ryan still." She shrugged looking away from Jared's piercing blue eyes. "What about you? how are you feeling?"

Jared's lips tugged into a kind smile, his face brightening. "I'm feeling good. Thanks." 

She bit her lip again as her gaze met Jared's once more, finding  a slight grin appearing on his face. "That's good ." She said feeling a little overwhelmed, then guilty for enjoying Jared's company this much when her friend is laying unconscious in the next room; Anna stepped away from him and went to sit by the couch. Jared's gaze followed her, and then his feet did too.

 Anna felt a bit more comfortable now. More trusting of Jared. She looked around the living room they were at and sighed. "Your House is really beautiful! I didn't notice all of the detail until this morning." Anna told him as he continued to move closer towards her direction. "It feels dark, yet comfortable and know what I mean?"

Jared nodded slightly, " Me and Tomo wanted to have something that reminded us of our time. That's why it might feel a little dark to you."

" I like it.." She added meeting his eyes again just as Tomo appeared by the basement door, and both Anna and Jared turned to his voice.

"Good evening," Tomo sighed as he approached them by the living room, trying his best not to let his eyes linger on Anna more that they should with that late realization of the knowledge he had of her blood. It was also her beauty that took Tomo's breath away, but he knew Jared had dibs on her first. " Heard you guys talking from down, thought I'd join you."

"Hey." Anna smiled softly at him. "Thank you for helping out yesterday with... I appreciate it." She wasn't sure how much Tomo had helped with Ryan's situation, but she knew that he somewhat was in involved in taking Ryan in from what Jared had told her. Tomo nodded back in response before shifting his eyes towards Jared, in which Anna noticed the quick look exchanged between the two vampires. She assumed they needed time alone, perhaps to discuss Shannon situation in which she wasn't supposed to hear any of it. "I will... go check on Ryan."

Sense of death - A Jared Leto Vampire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now