Fifteen: Overnight

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" I don't know where he went!" Tomo panted as he tried to explain to Jared. Jared had sent Tomo out to look for Shannon and to keep him away from the house until Anna had decided to return to her house. 

"Can you stay around the outer perimeter of the house then?" Jared asked in a lower voice, his eyes tired and desperate for Tomo to do as he asked. "Just until I take her back home, I don't want him to be here right now."

Tomo nodded without question, understanding the worry Jared must be carrying then walked out of the house to watch out for Shannon.

An hour later.

Anna walked out of Jared's room looking tired; her eyes swollen and red from all the crying but she had calmed herself down before leaving the room to meet Jared. Jared was sitting by the living room when Anna approached him. He stood immediately and took a step towards her direction. Jared noticed that Anna wasn't wearing his jacket anymore at the sight of her bare arms.

" I'm not...leaving him Jared." She inhaled. " Not until he's okay, but..thank you for taking care of him. I can't imagine what I would do if he ended up... otherwise."

Jared searched her eyes but nodded in understanding. He looked down at her dress and then back at her eyes, he said half smiling, "Your birthday?" 

Anna shook her head, managing a kind smile. "Sarah's." She ran her fingers through her tangled hair and sighed. "It was a bad night." Anna looked back at Jared and blushed slightly when she noticed him checking her out again.

Jared had forgotten how to speak when he noticed Anna noticing him viewing her body under that dress she was in, Jared looked away immediately and cleared his throat. Feeling a bit embarrassed to be caught staring at her that way at such an inappropriate time. He certainly did not want her to think he was being perverted, specially not when her friend is laying unconscious in the next room. Truth of the matter, it was hard not to look. Even when Anna looked weary, with her hair tangled together and a mess; Jared couldn't deny that he was hot for her messy look. Her eyes lazy and attracting; It wasn't quite easy for Jared to stand that close and not gaze. When their eyes met again; Anna's features turned sad as she seemed to remember something.

"Can I use your phone?" Anna asked. "I need to call Sarah and tell her about Ryan, and...I need her to bring me some clothes."

" Sure, but ...are you certain you want to stay overnight? I can't be here during the day-"

" I want to be here when he wakes up." Anna bit her lower lip. "If it isn't too much trouble, I want to be close to him."

Even though Jared would have been happy at any day if Anna were to stay at his place, however, tonight did not feel like the right right and he didn't wanted her stay for one reason, and that is being that Shannon could show up any moment. But he just drew his brows together in concern and said, "It's.. no trouble at all." Jared drew out his phone and handed it to her. At least he knew he could protect her as long as he stayed close as well.

Anna thanked him and tried to get to Sarah several times, but Sarah did not pick up her phone. Anna had returned the phone to Jared after trying for Sarah several times and shook her head. "She's probably sleeping right now.."

Jared observed her agitated features, then asked "Are you going to be okay?" in which Anna just nodded in response, even though she did not look okay.

"let me make you something to drink." Jared suggested, his eyes observing Anna's posture in concern. He guided her to the couch until she sat with her arms crossed, Jared made her a quick cup of coffee then returned to sit next to her; he didn't bother sitting a distance from her this time on the couch. Jared was so close that their thighs were touching, and Anna didn't mind it.

Sense of death - A Jared Leto Vampire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now