Chapter 4 The promise

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As Frisk started walking with Doggo they started to get cereus, "what's your name?" Doggo looked kinda annoyed "why do you want to know?" Frisk looked down there feelings hurt a little "I'm sorry...I just wanted to know" Doggo frowned "my name is Doggo it's...nice to meet u I guess" frisk smiled "it's nice to meet you too" they walked 10 more steps when out of nowhere they were ambushed by Lesser Dog. Frisk jumped out of the way and Doggo fell to the ground with Lesser Dog on top of him "Doggo are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Doggo sat up pushing Lesser Dog off him "ya kid I'm fine...he was just playing" Frisk sweat-drops "that's playing?" They thought "who is that anyway?" Frisk asked looking confused. Doggo pointed at the other dog "this is Lesser Dog" Lesser Dog barks a happy hello in Frisk's direction. Frisk let out a squeal "aww!! He's so cute!!" Doggo turned to Lesser Dog frowning "you really should  get back to your station" lesser Dog let out a little wine and nods walking away his ears down a sad expression on his face. Frisk frowns "you made him sad..." Doggo gives them a questioning stair" why do u care if you don't mind me asking" Frisk continues to frown "I just like to make friends..." "oh" Doggo replies feeling bad. "Listen kid...your life isn't a game...specially here in the could get hurt...or worse you could get caught and Papyrus, Undyne, or worse Asgore will take your soul..." Doggo kneels down to Frisk's hight with a softened expression on his face "you would die" Frisk shocked at the sudden serious tone of his voice and the pained look in his eyes waits fighting back tears "I don't want to see another kid die...human or monster..." Frisk then hugs Doggo tears streaming down their face "I won't die I promise...but...will you promise me somthing...will you be there to help me if I really needed it?" Doggo touched by Frisk's actions and words nods "I promise" then lifts the child onto his shoulders "now let's get you to Snowdin before you freeze" he says as he starts walking. Frisk smiles "ok" *knowing that your friend will be there for you fills you with DETERMINATION*
(MEANWHILE nearby)
[???'s POV]
ThEaS DiVeLoPmEnTs ArE InTrEaGiNg... HoW FaR WiLl ThEy GeT ThIs TiMe...

{HELOW HUMANS IM ALIVE!! I'm so sorry this chapter took so long I had to redo this whole chapter because I didn't like how I did it originally...I will start working on the next chapter shortly after this is posted and I hope you like the story so far :) }

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