Chapter Four

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(This is kind of a long chapter but I didn't know where to separate it at.)

I woke up to the sounds of machines beeping and crying induced sniffles. "Kate!" I heard Ryan say when I turned my head to see the horrified look on his face. Jon and Spencer were sitting in the chairs on the other side of the room.  Brendon was pacing back and forth in the hallway. He ran into the room when he saw my eyes open. He started crying when he got in there. "God, I thought you were gone. It's okay. You're okay now." He said through his sobs.
"You've comforted her enough the past week, Brendon." Ryan said, annoyed by how caring Brendon was toward me. 
"We both should comfort her and stop fighting. You're girlfriend and my best friend is in a hospital bed and you're overreacting about something that didn't mean to happen!"
"I understand my girlfriend is laying in a hospital bed, Brendon.  You don't have to keep reminding me."
"Guys, just cut the shit" Jon yelled at the two boys.
"How long have I been out?" I asked them.
"Well, Brendon found you laying on the floor last night strung out on pills.  It's been almost a day, princess."
Princess? He hasn't called me that in three weeks. Why start now?

Last time he called me princess? Let's see... Three weeks ago we went to the movies on our second date. While we were out of course we saw some fans. Most of them were nice and complimented me. The other crazy ass fans who scream at the sight of him tried their hardest to make me feel shit about myself. It worked.
"I don't even want to see it anymore, lets just go home and watch a different movie." I suggested to Ryan on the brink of tears.
"No. I'm not gonna let some crazy bitches ruin our night. We're gonna watch the damn movie and I'm gonna kiss you the whole way through it." Ryan said to me, making me feel better instantly. So I actually got through the movie without crying, then we took a cab home. While we were riding the driver turned on the radio and the second song to come on was "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" and I kinda just lost myself in the art that my best friends had created. Ryan just kinda snickered and watched me fangirl even though I could literally have a live performance of the song at any time.

Ryan made him take the long way home so we could sit back and talk. We got home, Ryan paid the guy, and he carried me inside. He didn't even take off his jacket, or shoes. He walked me to the bedroom and basically threw me on the bed. I was just completely shocked by him. I'd never seen this before, mostly because we'd never had sex with each other. And I'd never even had sex.
"What are you doing?!" I asked him.
"Getting ready to fuck you so hard that you can't walk and then I'll have to carry you." Ryan said.
"You're making a huge mistake. You don't want to see all my ugly scars and my stretch marks. You deserve a prettier girl, one that can do more for you." I said to him.
"No way. I don't even deserve you. You're way too pretty for me, babe. And, fuck, you do more than enough for me!" He said while on top of me. He tugged at the bottom of my shirt and I nodded in approval. Soon enough we were both naked.
"Are you sure you want to? I don't want to do something that you'll regret later." Ryan asked me, concerned.
"Ry, I'm sure. I have no regrets when I'm with you." I assured him.
He started sloppily kissing me and then he started going down leaving wet kisses all down my body. He spread my legs apart and kissed my inner thighs. He rubbed my legs up and down, which felt better than the actual sex. He came back up to me and said, "You ready, princess?"
I nodded my head. He kissed me one last time before positioning himself and pushing in slowly. Then pain soon turned to pleasure as Ryan's pace got faster.
"Damn, you feel amazing" Ryan breathed out.
I just smiled and stopped him.
"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He asked.
"Oh no, you didn't do anything wrong. It just what you haven't let me do" I said as I flipped him over. Now, hovering over him I kissed all the way down his chest, to his stomach, and then you know what comes next. I stroked him a few times before I lowered my head down on him. I pumped his dick with my hand at the same rhythm as my mouth. 
"If you ke-ep doing that, I-I'm gonna come." Ryan breathed out. I stopped before he came and went back up on him. I adjusted myself above him and slowly lowered on him. God, he felt so good! I rocked back and forth on him and increased my paced. I halfway screamed as I came and soon after, he did too. I got down beside him and laid my head on his chest.  
"That was amazing, babygirl! Best I've ever had!" He said out of breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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