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"Okay everyone, gather around! Okay sit on the rug...Carter where are you going? Please stay on your orange square. Thank you." Mrs. Evan's first grade class kept her on her toes. Carter Jones deliberately disobeyed or caused trouble and all of his friends followed. Sydney Tate pleasantly followed directions and colored pictures for Mrs. Evan during quiet time. She was the only person keeping her sane.

Just a few more days, then it will be Christmas break and after that, I just have to last until May and I won't have these crazy kids as students again.

Mrs. Evan chanted to the mantra incessantly. A few more days then a few more months. A few more days then a few more months.

"Alright," She took a calming breath, "does anyone have something they would like the share for show and tell?"

Hands shot up in the air and 'Me's' came left and right. "Be patient, everyone will have a chance to share. Claire lets have you go first, okay?"

Claire came up and stood nervously before the class. "Today I brought in my dance medal. I got it for participation." She told her story in a small voice.

"Thank you Claire, now, does anyone have any questions?" Mrs. Evan said. A few hands raised. "Josh, what is your question?"

Josh wasn't even paying attention, he was throwing his food at girls' heads with Carter. "Wait, what?" His face grew red from being caught.

"Your question for Claire?"

"Yeah, uh uh what do you dance?"

"Ballet and tapandjazz." Claire squished the last genre into one word. She quickly walked back to her purple square next to Sydney. Sydney gave her an encouraging hug while saying "You did great."

"Thank you Claire and Josh for your question. Who wants to go next? Oh, Carter I saw your hand up first. Your turn Carter." Mrs. Evan knew that Carter always had the most...interesting items for show and tell. One day he brought in his pet sandwich from last week. 'It moves; see, although just the green parts move...' He didn't understand it was mold until it began to smell and leave spots on the table where he would display it in class.

"Today I have," Carter pulled the item out of his pocket with dramatic slowness, "mistletoe." Everyone one was in awe. Oh goodness, here we go Mrs. Evan thought. "When two people stand under it, they have to kiss." Josh and all of Carter's other friends snickered. They knew he had something up his sleeve.

All the other first graders had never heard of mistletoe, they were not quite sure whether they liked it or not. "Okay Carter thank you, you may go sit down now." Carter sat down next to Josh, pleased.

Many other kids went after him. They would talk about their item, one person would ask a question, and then they would sit down and another person would fill the empty spot in the front of the room.

Kids stood up to go to their desks. Carter hopped up and swiftly walked over to Sydney to taunt and tease her. He tried everything to get her to notice him but she would wave him off like a fly. What a persistent child he was, no matter how many times she tried to get him to leave her alone 'No' meant 'yes' and 'go away' meant 'stay here'.

Whose brilliant idea was it to put those two next to each other? Oh right, mine. At the time it had seemed like a good idea, a well behaved girl seated next to a misbehaving boy, which would lead to his behavior improving. Hopefully. Unfortunately, she had only managed to humor Carter in his endeavors to try to win Sydney over.

Students grabbed crayons and started coloring pictures. This time gave Mrs. Evan an opportunity to ease her headache from running back and forth. It also, however, gave the kids a chance to talk. Or rather, a chance for Carter to annoy Sydney.

"Alright, time to clean up, the day is almost over." Kids rose from their chairs in a flurry of excitement. Carter had meticulously placed his backpack next to Sydney's at the beginning of the day. They reached their backpacks at the same time. Carter held up the mistletoe above their heads.

"Its the law, you have to kiss me now." He was smug. Sydney rolled her eyes, and then she closed them thinking that not seeing his face would make it easier to endure. She leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips. Carter raised his fist in triumph. He had succeeded what he had set out to do for months; receive a kiss from the beautiful Sydney Tate.

He would consider it to be the most romantic thing that ever happened to him. As middle school came, his voice dropped and looks came to his advantage. Josh Handerling remained his best friend. Sydney was 'blessed' with brains and braces. Her friend Claire Sundry remained by her side. In sixth grade though, a new addition was made to create the trio. Rory Main became the third member and last puzzle piece.

(As of 1/4/15) I'm thinking of starting a Twitter Account with updates and fun other things, so let me know what y'all think of it!
Thank you for reading! Please follow or vote! Comments on ideas or anything would be great! You can comment here or put it on my message board, whichever floats your boat.

There is a trailer on the right! Made by @wefariwe64


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