3) Carter's POV

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Carter's POV

"So, what brings you two in today?" The nurse asked. The room had a stiff sterile smell. I hated hospitals.

"Head trauma" I answered the nurse.

"Not trauma, he just knocked me down" Sydney responded. I could tell she was determined to get out as quickly as possible. I was too, but I wanted her to get help if she was hurt.

"No, you fell down because the ball hit you that Josh threw."

"Your body made contact with mine and that's how I fell."

"In an attempt to try and keep the ball from hitting you." I pointed out.

"And you hit me instead of the ball."

"Ugh," I threw my hands up in frustration. "You are so irritating," I muttered under my breath. Sydney was persistent in trying to make the point that I hit her.

"Have you ever thought that you are just as, if not more, irritating?" Sydney questioned with heavy sarcasm.

"No, sorry, I have been to busy noticing how annoying you are." I retorted.

"Alright, alright, you two, settle down," the nurse giggled, "you two fight like an old married couple, seems like your relationship has lasted a long time if you have to ability to fight and then still stay together, my high school relationships always ended after the first fight." She sighed.

Um, where did that come from?

"We, uh, we are not..." I started to decline, but Sydney cut me off.

"Together, we are not together, but if you want to put us together you can count ten minutes as a long time." Ha. So she's funny. And annoyingly sarcastic. I tried to scream with my eyes to stop, but she just kept going.

"Actually, you're right, we are such a lucky pair, he is so lucky to have me as his girlfriend, and I put up with his temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way." She whispered the last part like it was a sensitive subject. My brow furrowed because I do not throw tantrums. I was mature, I handled my feelings appropriately. When I was mad I went and shot hoops. I did not throw tantrums.

"I mean, how I could say no to such a poor, unpopular, nerdy, weird-" Two could play at this game, there was no way I was going to let the tantrum comment slide.

"Okay Carter, honey," although I kept listing off names.

"...unfortunate, lonely, friendless girl was beyond me." I smiled with the biggest and most fake smile I could muster. I could hear Sydney roll her eyes.

"Oh! How cute! You two are such saints, you guys are so lucky to have found each other." The nurse sighed sweetly.

"Yes, we are. You know, now that I think about it, I actually didn't fall, Carter," Sydney lifter her hand and signaled to where I was sitting. "He caught me. My head doesn't hurt one bit, thanks to him. I hate to waste your time ma'am, so we will be on our way." In a blink of an eye she was off the bed and she snatched my hand. Surprised, I tried to pull away. That only make Sydney grip harder. The nurse was still talking when we were half way down the hall.

Her hand was soft. Really soft.

We walked past the lady at the front desk still holding hands but as soon as we exited to front doors, as soon as the doors shut behind us, Sydney threw my hand away and we separated as far apart as the sidewalk would allow.

"What was that for?" I was still surprised.

"If you please people, you get out of situations faster. She saw what she wanted so she let us go because she believed that you would take care of me." Sydney lifted her chin showing that she had done the same thing a few times with other people, she was confident it worked.

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