Sent Away

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I sat twirling a piece of my hair as people from the castle scurried throughout the small apartment

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I sat twirling a piece of my hair as people from the castle scurried throughout the small apartment. Can't they just leave....I don't need their preppy asses judging me. But then again I've been judging them my whole life.....

A voice broke me out of my thoughts, "M'Lady you are required to take these vitamins everyday. And also make sure to wear this outfit for the send off." A beautiful flowing white blouse with long skinny black jeans were sitting in midair in front of me. Quickly taking them I mumbled a thank you.

Looking at the torn up clock on the counter I had about three hours to pack and get ready. Enough time for me, I walked to my cot where I put my clothes under the bed. I pulled out a large brown box, it held all my memories of my mom and I.

The photo was from when we were twos living happily, but of course my Father ended that

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The photo was from when we were twos living happily, but of course my Father ended that. Our caste was ripped away and we became sevens. I hadn't notice the tears slowly dropping onto the glass that covered the top of the picture.

I began taking out the photos of my mom and I and putting them in the suitcase the advisors gave me. I threw in all the textbooks I collected from dumpsters. And the last thing, my mother's locket. It was a sliver heart with vines surrounding a blue mocking jay.

Deciding to get dress now I walked into the bathroom with my Clara who insisted helping me. Shaking my head, all she did was talk about how the Prince will kiss me. This kid.

I brushed my hair getting the knots out, my sister later came and parted my hair in diamond shapes. Later then pulling it into a tight ponytail, I have a fucken headache.

"You need to wear these heels!" Layla exclaimed. In her hand we're a seductive red pair of heels.

She started to wiggle her eyebrows and I put my hand up to stop her. "Hell no."

"Bu-!" I cut her off.

"I'm wearing these, and you can't say anything about it." I said pointing down to my favorite black ballet shoes that I found. They were just about to fall off, the stitching was coming apart. And the color was becoming blotchy.

Her face went dumbfounded, "This is why people think your crazy."

"All the best people are crazy," I say raising one eyebrow with a grin.

We both began to giggle frantically. "Oh lord what am I going to do without you! I'm going to mid you Nally!"

"I'll miss you too, and didn't I tell you not to call me Nally!"

She started to act like she was in deep thought, "No....?"


My ragged shoe hit the pavement with a thud as I stepped out of the limo. The area was a crowded with probably everyone in the province. Body guards stood on my sides as we walked through the crowd. Layla rode with me and she leaned over to whisper something in my ear.

"Make way for the Queen, bitches." I playfully punched her. Ow!"

"Oh don't flatter me M'Lady." I said in a posh tone imitating the royals.

"Oh yes of course it is true though, your Majesty!" she said playing along.

"Oh stop it! Your making me blush!" I hit a imaginary fan on her.

We both began to laugh like no one was watching. Raising my head up I saw people staring at me. Staring is rude! Girls and more girls just shot me dirty looks. A couple girls Layla shot down with her glares, that girl.

The mayor said he's long and boring speech, finally he asked if I would like to speak and I said yes.

I cleared my throat, "Hey, wait um...hello I mean? That's what fancy people say right.......Anyway most of you know me as the 7 that got selected. I actually have a name though if you couldn't guess, Nalia Roslin.

Well here I go, being a seven I've seen horrible things happen. Families loosing their homes, their savings being stolen, getting kicked onto the streets. Children starving to death, horrid things that no one should go through. And while I am at the palace I plan to change anything that I can.

But I'll probably mostly enjoy the food until I'm kicked out. Bye...?" of course I said this in my head though.

"Nicely said Nalia!" the mayor said.

"Wait I said that out loud?"

"Yup! Well we all wish you luck at the selection!"

And I was off, sent away to death.

I am the worse updater ever, I am planning on trying to update another two times this week. Also please get this book out to others.

Another thing don't start pointing out that I'm 11, and I am using profanity. I don't fucken care.

  I don't fucken care

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Sent Away:  A Selection Novel. [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now