Chapter 1

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I was abruptly stolen from my sleep upon the sharp sound of shattering glass coming from the next room over.

Lifting my legs off the worn out twin bed, which was much less of a bed and more of a sheet stuffed with hay, I hoisted my torso off of the platform until I was upright.

My fingers moved to my hair to double check it's appearance, and after straightening out my longsleeve black v-neck top which provided the only comfort in the harsh Tattooine climate, as it protected my skin from the whisking sandy wind and intense insects, I walked towards the entrance of the main bar.

An abundance of profanities rang through the air as I approached the scene, where two creatures were engaging in quite the quarrel. Punches were thrown faster than the blink of an eye while the poor older bar tender screamed at them, unable to properly enforce his own policies.

Stepping up closer to the intense brawl, I took a deep breath, before shouting," Get the hell out of my joint! Get!! Right now!"

One of them had been trying to listen to me; I assumed he was the victim, but he was trapped beneath the large body of his opponent, which crushed him down and allowed the large humanoid to continue to hit him without difficulty.

I rolled my eyes; I didn't want to do anything out of the ordinary, but I had something to try that was much less violent yet more effective.

Quickly squatting down, I grabbed the larger man's neck into a hold in the crook of my arm, but before he could harm me, I whispered in his ear, only so the two of us could hear," Sleep."

Immediately he fell limp. The terrorized victim scurried away, looking back a few times before he exited the bar completely. A smirk fell on my face when I realized that I was probably the one who scared him the most, and then the bully, upon waking up, did the exact same thing.

I hadn't noticed until both of the men were gone that the multitude of voices in the cantina had gone silent. People from all the dark corners peered at me through the lowlight dust.

"Alright, nothing to see." I spoke slightly louder, letting my eyes scan the room before departing to a spot behind the bar.

Receiving a nod from the short and stout bartender, his deep yet raspy voice expressed his gratitude,"Thanks."

I addressed him by nodding back, but my attention was stolen when a pair strolled over the threshold, and my heart began to race, and a smile formed on my lips.

My eyes followed the tall man who snuck back to a booth, while his friend who was also familiar to me approached.

Giving the hairy creature before me a large grin, I inquired,"What'll it be, Chewie?"

I was able to understand his very unique language perfectly, which came out of his mouth in the form of a loud moan, and upon hearing the type of alcoholic beverage he desired, I turned around and began to search for the bottle. It was odd, though; his tone almost sounded weary, like the latest run didn't go so well. I contemplated asking him about it, but I decided to wait.

Once I found the type of booze he wanted, I maneuvered myself so that I was facing him again, and in one swift motion, I lowered the bottle to the bar and hit the bottlecap as soon as it came into contact with the edge.

A little bit of beer bubbled from the top of the bottle, but Chewie didn't mind as I handed it to him," Here ya go, Chewie"

I received a roar of gratitude before I left him to his drink, and started towards his friend in the booth.

I couldnt help but roll my eyes as I caught a glimpse of the other man, but an amused smirk also laid upon my face. A female humanoid with a pink pigment for skin had slithered herself onto his lap, and was trying to get him to laugh, as she stroked along his jawbone and under his chin. He wasn't encouraging her, but, because of the way he was, he wasn't stopping her either.

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