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One dark night with only the moon light shining down upon Middle Earth, in the village of Bree there was a young hobbit born. But the mother was weak and the labor had been hard, her body wasn't strong enough. After giving birth she took one first and last look at her daughter, then passed away. Her father was filled with grief and did not know what to do, so he wrapped his daughter up tightly in a blanket and set her by the door of a nearby inn. He looked at his one and only daughter, she cried loudly. He took off and left his newborn daughter alone. Many hours went by; the poor hobbit was crying at the top of her lungs, yet no one came for her. Surely this little hobbit would not make it, but soon enough, two tall figures walked out of the inn. They noticed the little, crying hobbit, and picked her up. It was an older couple, they held her close and looked around to see if anyone was coming for her. But no one did. This little hobbit was left to surly die, but the couple would not let that happen. They walked out of Bree and went across the river to a place between the Shire and Bree. They went to a little house between two trees, that's where they raised the young hobbit, and she never knew her mother and father, and never will.

Launa and Elemor were growing older, soon they would move on. They decided to name the little hobbit Prisca, they thought it fit her personality. She was very adventurous and loved archery. She had dark brown wavy hair that went a little below her shoulders. She had bright, blue eyes and wasn't interested in dresses or any fancy clothing.

Elemor gave her his old sword that was in very good condition and decided to teach her how to use a sword in case she ever got in trouble, and neither he or Launa could be there to protect her. She got better and better each time she practiced with him. Launa and Elemor were proud of the little hobbit that they had raised, even though they were not the same race, they loved her with all their hearts.

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