Chapter 5: Something Isn't Right

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Changing to third person view, I wasn't really enjoying first person view. Sorry!


Legolas found a safer road for them, he didn't want to encounter anymore orcs. Also it was sort of a short cut to Minas Tirith.

Legolas didn't feel right, Gimli was right. Those orcs were stronger and definitely strange.
Also he felt like they were being watched, and followed.

They found a place to rest for the night. Everyone was tired and needed rest. So a place surrounded by trees is where they rested.

Legolas took the first watch, but he knew Gimli probably wouldn't wake up when it was his watch.
So he just stayed up the whole night.

It started to get really cold.
So cold that even Legolas started to shiver.
Why is it so cold?
Legolas thought to himself.

He used a spare blanket to keep warm.
He wrapped it around himself, then breathed into his hands.
His warm breath heated up his hands.

The hobbits were tossing and turning, trying to keep warm.
The blankets weren't thick enough.

He noticed Esmerelda was uncovered.
Her body was shivering, as she huddled herself into a small ball.
She didn't realize that she was uncovered.
She must have been in a deep sleep.

Legolas stood and went over to where she was laying.
He quietly brought the blanket over her and laid it on top of her body.

A small smile came across his face.
Hobbits are so peaceful when they sleep.
He thought.

Legolas went back over to his spot.
He laid on the ground and looked up at the sky.
The trees blocked the moonlight from his face.
But he could see the small and big stars twinkling through the branches.

Patches of moonlight shone through the branches.
Casting different shadows on the ground.

Legolas found himself drifting off into sleep.
He couldn't though, he needed to stay awake.
But it was hard, he was tired from walking.
He needed rest, his body needed rest.
So that's what it was going to get.

Before he knew it, he was sleeping.
Who knows what was going on while he wasn't looking.


Legolas realized he fell asleep, he shot up.
Eyes wide open.
I fell asleep!
He panicked.
He made sure everyone was fine.

He counted all of the hobbits.
One, two, three, four...
Wait just a minute, Legolas counted again.
He was right the first time.
Only four hobbits.
Where were the other two?

It was nearly morning, so he woke Gimli and the other hobbits.
"What is it Legolas?"
Gimli asked, a slight trace of annoyance followed his voice.

"We're missing two hobbits, I fell asleep. I don't know how it happened, I was wide awake. Then I was sleeping, I don't get it."
Legolas said, he felt strange. How could this happen?

It was all his fault.
He blamed himself.

Merry sat up and looked around.
"Where's Es?"
He started to panic, when he didn't see her anywhere.

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