Chapter 6: Moving On

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Gimli caught up to the hobbits.
They were stopped by a river, possibly the one Legolas was talking about.
The hobbits were looking for Legolas.
They all had curious looks on their faces.

"Where's Legolas?"
Pippin asked.
Gimli looked at the ground.
Then he took in a deep breath.

All the hobbits were waiting for an answer.
"He's going to meet up with us, he had to get the orcs away."

Frodo knew that's not what happened.
He could see it in Gimli's eyes.
But he went along with it.

"We're going to stay here for awhile. I need to rest."
Gimli said, he walked away from the hobbits.
He put his axe on the ground.
Then looked at the river.

The gushing water filled his ears.
But it was soothing.

The sound of Legolas's cry was ringing in his ears.
He should've gone back.
He shouldn't have listened to him.

Gimli felt a hand set on his shoulder.
He didn't bother to look and see who it was.

"He's not going to meet us, is he?"
Frodo asked, very quietly.

Gimli didn't want to answer.
"No, he will. It may just be awhile."
Gimli sighed.

Frodo watched the river flow.
He thought of Legolas.
How could this be?

Legolas was gone.
They only had Gimli now.
And if something happened to Gimli.
Then they would have no one.

Frodo lifted his eyes up to the sky.
The grey clouds filled the sky
It had been like that for a few days now.
Frodo brought his eyes back down.

Then he looked at Gimli.
"We will see Legolas again, I know we will. You don't need to worry."

Gimli took those words in.
He slightly smiled.
But the smile quickly turned back into a frown.

He turned his head towards the hobbits.
They were sitting and waiting.
He watched Frodo walk back over.
He sat by Sam and Pippin.

Gimli turned his eyes back to the river.
We'll just follow it, or should we stay?

He didn't know what to do.
Legolas said he would meet them.
Gimli knew that usually when Legolas says something.
He means it.
Wherever he was, he would get to them.
Some way, some how.

"Come hobbits, let's get moving. We need to follow the river."
Gimli said.

The hobbits were surprised, he seemed so eager to get going.
Each of the hobbits grabbed their packs.
Then they followed after Gimli.

They followed the river.
Gimli had hope that Legolas would meet them.
He knew Legolas would want them to have hope.

Esmerelda was awfully quiet.
Prisca wondered.
So did the other hobbits.
But none of them bothered her about it.
Each of them were thinking about Legolas.
Hoping he was alright.


The day was turning night.
Gimli found a spot by the river.
Frodo came to him.
"I can take the first watch if you need Gimli, I don't mind. I'm not that tired."
Frodo said.

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