Chapter 4: Ambushed

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My eyes widened in horror as the orc ran up to me and swung its sword, I managed to dodge it, It roared and chased after me as I ran quickly back to our camp. I ran for my life as more and more orcs appeared from the shadows.

I wasn't far from where we had set up camp, so I yelled for help as loud as I could while trying to run from the orcs.

Merry and Pippin were in my sight but they could not hear me. So I yelled again, this time they turned around and saw me running towards them.

They saw the orcs chasing after me and their faces turned pale.

I looked back and saw at least fifty orcs, I was getting closer to Merry and Pippin who had drawn their swords. I was getting tired and didn't know how much longer I could keep up running.

Merry and Pippin woke Frodo and Esmerelda quickly. Frodo sat up and rubbed his head then heard the sound of boots slamming the ground over and over.

He turned to his right to see me running with orcs chasing after. "Prisca run! Hurry!" Merry shouted.

I reached them then we all ran. Sam met up with us and we were all running as fast as we could.

He dropped the fire wood he found and ran by Pippins side.

We came past a giant boulder and hid behind it, as soon as we were out of sight. One of the orcs signaled the others orcs to stop. We all were breathing heavily as we waited for the orcs to find us. Trying to breath silently wasn't the easiest thing.

I had a feeling the orcs saw us, or maybe they did not. But there was a big chance. One orc climbed onto the rock and smelled the air, I could feel his presence so I tried not to move. All I could think about was my family, if I died, how would they ever find out?

I felt the orc was about to look over the boulder, but just when I saw part of him, a dagger flew through the air and went straight through the orc's head.

It fell over the rock and landed right in front of us, we all jumped.

Merry crawled forward and ripped the dagger out of the orc's head. "It's an elf dagger." he said showing it to them. An elf dagger? I looked at the smooth blade in disbelief.

Cautiously, we all peeked around the sides of the boulder and saw two figures battling the orcs. "Legolas!" Pippin exclaimed in relief.

The elf quickly nodded in our direction before stabbing an orc through the heart with one of his knives. "Gimli behind you!" Legolas shouted. "I know he's there!" The dwarf swung his axe and took off the leg of an orc who had been about to stab him from behind.

I watched in amazement as the elf and dwarf fought against the orcs.

Legolas sliced off an orc's arm with one knife just as another one came up from behind.

He spun around and sliced the other orc's head off, taking its sword, he threw it at another orc and it fell to the ground.

Gimli was swinging his axe and slaying every orc in his path.

Suddenly the orcs who were left standing fled, leaving the hobbits, elf, and dwarf. I watched the whole thing happen, right in front of my own eyes. Still very amazed, and lucky that I'm still alive.

Legolas walked over to us, we were still hiding behind the boulder. "You may come out now hobbits, it is safe." Legolas said while putting his knives back in their sheaths.

"You got here just in time Legolas." Pippin said examining the slain orcs that littered the ground. "One more second and they would've had us."

"Then it is a good thing our paths crossed." Legolas turned to me and Esmerelda, a curious look on his face. "I do not think we have met before. I am Legolas, and you are?" asked Legolas. "I'm Prisca, and this is Esmerelda." I replied. "My younger sister." Merry added.  Esmerelda stood there speechless, she was shocked that she had just seen an actual elf and dwarf fight, and that they were the same elf and dwarf from Merry's adventures. Merry handed Legolas his dagger that he had pulled out of the orc's head. "Thank you." Legolas placed the dagger in its sheath then turned back to the hobbits.

"What brings you all here?" He asked. "We are heading to Minas Tirith, Aragorn has invited us there to celebrate the downfall of Sauron." Frodo answered.
"Ah, I assumed as much. Gimli and I are heading there as well." Legolas replied.

We all headed back towards where we had set up camp, except for Gimli who wanted a closer look at the orcs they had encountered. As they walked Legolas looked down at me as we walked.

"May I look at your bow?" Legolas asked. "Sure." I replied and handed Legolas my bow, he studied the small bow then pulled back on the bowstring. "This is a good bow, where did you get it?" he asked then handed it back to me. "My father gave it to me. It was his when he was a child." I answered. Legolas nodded then looked forward once again.

When we reached the camp site Gimli had already caught up to them. "Those weren't ordinary orcs." He told Legolas. "I know, they seemed stronger." Legolas replied grimly. "We will tell Aragorn once we get to Minas Tirith." he told his friend.


As the sun began to set Gimli told the hobbits (mainly Esmerelda) about the Battle of Helm's Deep. I could tell she was very impressed, and still a little jealous she couldn't go on the journey.

Legolas listened quietly while twirling his dagger in his hand. I tried to get some sleep but couldn't, I noticed Frodo walk away from everyone and sit on the ground out in the open. I waited a minute, then I got up and followed him.

I walked over quietly and sat beside him, then looked at the sky. "What are you doing out here alone?" I asked curiously, still wondering why I even had the guts to do this. "Well I'm not alone anymore." Frodo said with a slight trace of annoyance. "Oh right, sorry." I said awkwardly. "It's alright, you are not bothering me." Frodo looked up at the sky, the stars were shining bright and the moon was full.

"How come you don't live in the Shire like other hobbits?" he asked me. "It's a long story." I replied. "I'm listening." He said then smiled softly.

I played with the grass as I let out a sigh.

"Alright then. I was born in Bree and my mother died after I was born. My father wrapped me in a blanket and set me by an inn and left me there. Two strangers found me and brought me to their house and raised me. They weren't hobbits,  they were a man and woman. We live between the Shire and Bree, and that's why I don't live there." I explained.

I looked over at Frodo who was looking ahead. "I understand." Frodo said then stood up. How could he have understand my situation? "Shall we get some sleep now?" he reached his hand out to me. As he stood, I grabbed it and he pulled me up, then we both walked back, laid on our own blankets. Then silently fell asleep.


"Everyone up, we must leave now." Legolas announced. We all gathered our things together and we started walking once again.

Esmerelda walked by me and was munching on an apple, "So are you liking this trip so far?" Esmerelda asked, "Yes, it's been great, besides being chased by orcs." I replied. "Right, that part was kind of scary, but we're still alive and that's what matters." Esmerelda said, as she smiled.

I saw out of the corner of my eye that she was looking at me, "What are you looking at?" Esmerelda asked narrowing her green eyes at me, I didn't answer, so she waved her hand in front of my face to try and get my attention. "What?" I said blinking and shaking my head. "I asked what you were looking at." Esmerelda crossed her arms.

"Oh nothing." I replied quickly. Esmerelda rolled her eyes then tried to follow my gaze to see what I was really looking at. "Oh, I see what you're looking at." Esmerelda said grinning. She nudged me twice in the shoulder. "You're looking at Frodo, aren't you?" Esmerelda laughed. "What? No! That's not what I'm looking at." I said nervously. "Oh sure." Esmerelda winked and went back to eating her apple.


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