Chapter 7: When Paths Cross

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As they walked more and more.
Prisca noticed Esmerelda was eating a bunch of snacks.
She figured she was back to normal.

Frodo came along side Prisca.
He didn't say anything at first.
Then he spoke up.
"You fell asleep while we were talking last night."

When Prisca heard what he said, she felt awkward.
"I don't remember doing that. I'm sorry."
She replied.

Frodo quietly laughed.
"You don't have to be sorry, I just sort of led you back to your blanket. You were still kind of awake. I guess all that talking made you tired."

Prisca chuckled, she still felt embarrassed about it though.
But she went along with his amusement.
Frodo stopped laughing when he saw their surroundings.

A dark forest was in front of them.
And Gimli was leading them into it.
The trees grew tall, the dark bark on the trees sent a shiver up Frodo's spine.

"Gimli, isn't there another way? Besides this way?"
Merry said with a lump in his throat.
Gimli shook his head.
"We must follow the river."

When Frodo heard that, he began to worry.
Gimli wasn't the same, he had his mind set on following the river.
What if they never met Legolas?
Then what would Gimli do?
Possibly go insane.

They were deeper into the dark forest.
It was silent like the dead of night.
The only sound was the sound of everyone's feet stepping on the ground.

No one spoke, all of them just wanted to leave the foul place.

The river flowed much slower through this forest.
It looked like it even stopped at times.
Luckily, they didn't run into anything. Or anyone.

Finally, after awhile of walking through the dark forest.
They were out of it.
It was definitely a creepy place.
Anything could have been lurking in there.


The sun was setting, and Gimli was very tired.
He found a spot to stay for the night.
The hobbits set up their things. (Mostly just their blankets)

Once again Frodo took the first watch.
He was actually tired this time, also he felt bad for Gimli, so he did it to be kind.

It had been a couple hours since everyone had fallen asleep.
Frodo was nearly asleep himself.
But he couldn't fall asleep.
So he stood up and walked around to keep himself from falling asleep.

As he was walking, he remembered about last nights game.
The one he played with himself.
The moon showed itself about eighteen times.
Frodo was surprised he remembered.

He sat back down, up against a tree.
He wasn't as tired as he was before.

He thought it would be alright if he rested his eyes.
After all, he was a light sleeper.
So if any danger was around, he would hear it right away.

As he closed his eyes.
He heard the sound of the river gurgling, and spitting small drops of water out of it.

Silent is was all around him, besides the river.
But, the sound of it was peaceful.

"I see you have taken my place."
A voice said from behind him.

Frodo's eyes shot open as he quickly stood and looked around.
He saw a figure standing in the moonlight.
Could it be?
He looked at the figure as it walked closer to him.
Revealing his face.

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