1. Meeting

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I. Meeting

        The wind whipped your [h/c] colored hair around into a knotted mess.  The elements on Surudoiyama were way more extreme than on ground level, but you continued the ascent.  You were close to a quaint village that nestled itself on a plateau protectively surrounded by the mountain peaks.  Hopefully there you could settle down for a few days and maybe soak up in a hot spring.

"What I wouldn't do for a nice, hot meal."  you sighed, clutching at your hood so that the wind wouldn't pelt at your face as much.  You kept treading along, finally able to see the village over the horizon which sparked new hope in your heart and energy within your tired muscles.

        You continued walking - more like trudging up the dirt path while trying to not trip over rocks - watching as the entrance grew bigger the closer you got to it.  The entryway to the village consisted of a decent sized wooden archway with the kanji for 'Hinodemura' sprawled across it in black. 

        Although the village was quite small from what you could tell, you hoped it had a tavern of some sort.  Though you seldom drank alcohol, a nice bit of it would warm you up.

        You wandered for a while until you saw a building with a sign that had the word 'bar' printed on worn wood in black paint.  You walked into the dimly lit building, quickly scanning the area from the entryway as you took the hood of your cape off.  Booths lined the walls while tatami mats and low tables were set in another smaller room, but the bar itself was situated at the front on the left.  Very few people were there as it was the afternoon, but you brushed it off and plopped down on a bar stool, the bartender quickly coming over to take your order.

"Shochu, please."  You ordered, and the man responded with a quick "right away", taking out a bottle from one of the dark mahogany shelves holding various other alcoholic beverages and setting it down in front of you.  He poured the clear liquid in a small glass cup and slid the drink over.  You took a sip, the alcohol sliding down you throat and burning it satisfyingly.

"Thank you."  You told him, nodding your head in appreciation and raising your glass.

"You're welcome, ma'am."  He replied, a smile on his face as he gave a nod in return.  With that the bartender returned the bottle onto its shelf and walked away to serve another customer who just walked in.  His chakra was very powerful, so you knew at once he was a ninja.  He walked past you and sat one seat over, one arm leaning against the granite countertop.

"What would you like, sir?"  The bartender asked.

"Vodka.  Neat."  He responded smoothly.

"Coming right up."

        As the bartender prepared his drink, you couldn't help but study the guy.  What surprised you the most was how he didn't have a left arm.  Curiosity started to pique your interest, but you shook that thought away to look at him closer.  He had hair as black as ebony and long bangs that messily framed his face.  The man hunched over slightly but the navy blue bandana wrapped around his head gave you a nice side-view of his face.  He looked handsome in your opinion, and you couldn't help the red blush tinting your cheeks as you looked away, soft pink lips wrapping around the edge of the smooth glass as you sipped on your newly refilled drink.


        As the alcohol circulated within your body from the several glasses of Shochu you drank, a warmth started to spread in your chest.  Suddenly you had the urge to talk to the man.  He seemed familiar, like you had seen him from somewhere.  The only way you would find out is if you asked, and, having that in mind, you shifted in the cushioned seat to face the man no older than you who now had a small glass cup of vodka in his hand.

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