7. Return

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Vll. Return

      After the satisfying lunch, Sasuke assured that the two of you would reach Konoha just before evening fell and continued on your journey.  As the day progressed the strain of hiking for so long started getting to you, but you persevered.  If Sasuke could make it then so could you.

        Grassy plains soon turned into a vast wooded forest and excitement bubbled within your stomach.  As the village was so called, obviously it would be surrounded by trees bearing vibrant greens.  Muscles filling with adrenaline, you suddenly overcame your previous fatigue.  There was no time to rest when you were almost there.  You were now itching to get to the village, and to your highest hopes over the crest of a small hill you saw the village in all its glory.

"We're here."  Sasuke informed, and you ran up to the entranceway with widened eyes.  Sasuke caught up, calling out for the gates to be opened.

        The gates to the village were enormous, and you stared in amazement as they opened up to reveal a lively village within its walls.  It was a much bigger place than you had expected, and the hustle and bustle of people was a thrilling experience for you to witness.  Was this what life was like for a Konoha citizen?  It seemed very exciting, and you couldn't wait to see it for yourself.

"Well,"  Sasuke stood next to you now to your left, and for a split second you could see a wave of nostalgia take over his face.  "this is it."  Some semblance of a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.



"Wow."  You whispered in amazement at the busy village.  Sasuke was taking you to the Hokage's building where you would be filling out the mission report, and all throughout the walk there you would look around at the marvels presented before you.  It was silent between the both of you, a rather comfortable silence, and you freely looked around at the people going through with their everyday lives.  Mothers buying food with their children, merchants selling goods at shops, it was pleasant to drink in these sights as best as you could.

    Upon entering the building and entering the office of the Hokage, you, in fact being incredibly nervous, you noticed the leader of this village, a man in his mid-thirties sat at a large desk, paperwork set in neat piles and cream colored folders laying in front of him.  He set down the pen in his hand that he had used to write on some documents once he noticed the duo walking into the room.

"Kakashi."  Sasuke broke the silence and gave a curt nod.

"Sasuke, you're back."  He acknowledged with a returned nod, and then turned his head to peer around Sasuke, half lidded eyes locking with yours.
"And you brought a friend.  Wonderful."  There was no way you could tell whether he was being serious or not, but your cheeks grew warm from having a Kage notice you.

"Her name is [l/n] [f/n].  She was the one that took out the group of thieving ninja."

"Ah, is that so?"

"That is correct, Hokage-sama."  You answered.

"Hm, have you lost your touch already, Sasuke?  I'm disappointed."  He chided, and the Uchiha stiffened.  His hand balled up into a fist at his side, but he managed an answer.

"No, she just charged ahead.  She could have just as easily put herself as well as the citizens' lives in danger. - "

"I had a plan."  You shot a look at Sasuke, almost sizing him up for a fight.  His glare was just as nasty.

"Charging in carelessly or not,"  Kakashi said, purposefully ignoring the tension between the two.  "You should be grateful that she helped, even if you didn't need it."

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