3. Enemy

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lll. Enemy

        The sun filtered through the leaved of the trees and bathed the dirt ground below in a warm glow.  You hummed in comfortable silence - besides the birds chirping, and you feet guided you all the way back to the village.  Despite Sasuke being a pain, you didn't want that to ruin your day.  If anything happened to Hinodemura while you were staying there, you would make it your personal mission to stop them at all costs.

        With this resolve in mind, you walked through the mountain forest to find somewhere else to train.  The perfect place would be a clearing with large trees surrounding the area, perhaps, and it had been several minutes of walking through the forest with nothing but leaves rustling in the wind and birds chirping, until, that is, you heard something unfamiliar.  Through the trees were hushed murmurs of men communicating with one another.  Curiosity piqued at the peculiar happening, you kept to the shadows and advanced toward the noises.  They seemed to be heading for the village.

'Could they be the enemies?'  You thought in concern, biting your lip as you attempted to hide your chakra presence and slip through the brush soundlessly.

        Each meter you got closer to the village, the more nervous you got.  Your heart thrummed against your ribcage at a rapid pace, and you tried your best not to panic.  Being inexperience with 'missions' as you would call it right now, you didn't necessarily have any confidence.  Blending in seamlessly with the shadows, you stalked towards the village.  For now you would remain brave in the face of danger.


        Sasuke sat on the ground, taking a drink of water from the canteen he brought with him.  The man wiped away the small drops that escaped the bottle with the back of his hand, deep in thought.  Why did someone like you have to ruin his time here?  Granted, this was all for a mission, but that didn't mean you had to make it unpleasant for him while he stayed here.

"Hmph."  The Uchiha promptly stood up and headed for the village.  Sasuke had sensed the enemy ninja almost immediately.  He would protect it no matter what, that's all he could do.


        You had to think of something to do.  You couldn't just wait there for the villages to get injured, or worse: killed.  For now, you would hide yourself in the crowd.  You observed a man standing at the center of the village.  He must be the leader of whatever gang he was leading.  Your hands balled into fists.

"All I ask of you people is to give me all of your valuables.  Is this not simple enough for you?"  He pressed, walking around in a wide circle and in return the people backed away in fear, all of whom had been corralled into the center of the village by unknown forces.  After a few moments' silence he nonchalantly returned toward where he originally stood and clapped his hands together.

"Alright."  The man suddenly formed a nasty grin and his beady eyes widened, and overall he looked to be insane.  "Who wants to die first?"  He spoke in a rather amused tone, completely different from the previous lazy expression.

        A man swiftly moved past you, stretching his arm out in front of you like a shield.  "Get back."  The ravenette ordered, and he then pulled out his sword and held it in front of him.

You blinked in surprise.  It was Sasuke.

You shook your head and shot him a glare.  "I'm a ninja if you couldn't tell."  Your voice held notes of agitation within each syllable.

Sasuke snorted, but kept his sights on the enemy.  "Of course I could tell, I just didn't really care."

At that point the man noticed Sasuke in a battle stance, and his expression immediately brightened at the thought of a fight.

Koi no Yokan [Uchiha Sasuke X Reader]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum