5. Travel

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V. Travel


        You were at a loss for words.  There was nothing you could say.  Being a well known shinobi, you heard a few words being tossed around about him before throughout your travels - about how he betrayed his village and anything of the sort - but what was the deeper meaning?  Was that really it?  You had a feeling it wasn't, but would accept his privacy for now.  To him you were most likely just a passing face.

"...I'm sorry to hear that."  You managed to say with utmost sincerity.

"It doesn't matter.  What does is that the mission is completed.  However, you were the one to complete it."  He responded.  The Uchiha walked up close to you so that he was standing less than a meter away, looking downward.  In the light of the warm toned sun, you could see the exact opposite in his eyes; a reflection of pure coolness in black and purple.  Within them were undetectable emotions, and you were curious as to what he was thinking about.

The man suddenly continued.  "So I would like to give you the option of coming back to Konohagakure to file the mission report."

[e/c] eyes widened in bewilderment.  "Eh?"

"Either that or you could be on your way and we will never see each other again.  Your choice, because I really couldn't care less."

        You were completely caught off guard.  So much for being just someone who came and went.  As you pondered these thoughts you felt stagnant air surrounding you.  You sometimes wished you could be something else, maybe settle down and experience things you couldn't while travelling such as a sturdy pillar which could support a family and keep you in place came to mind.  You had gone far and wide across the ninja world, but never had been to Konohagakure.  It was a big village, most likely with interesting culture and people.  Many opportunities could arise at that hidden village, and hopefully there you could finally get the hot meal you wanted for a long time.  A spark of interest jolted up your spine, and a determined look overtook your face.  Sasuke raised a brow in question.

"I'll do it."


        The blazing sun almost overhead marked the precursor of afternoon.  Around you were green fields and a large dirt road that you both were currently walking on.  You and Sasuke had been travelling ever since your talk in the morning.  This sudden turn of events was very surprising to you, but it made sense.  Sometimes change was good.

        However, that universal truth did not stop the silence hanging in the air; it wasn't not awkward, but definitely not comfortable either.  You puffed out a breath of air, gathering the courage to say something to the Uchiha just a meter in front of you.

"So when are we-"  A sudden growling sound emitted from your stomach.  "-going to eat.  I could really go for that hot meal I've always wanted for a while now."  You laughed dryly in embarrassment.

The Uchiha spared you a glance before looking ahead again.  "Just eat whatever's in your backpack."

You frowned, not wanting to eat the dry jerky that tasted way to salty for your liking.  Your hand raised to cover your stomach as the hunger only intensified.

"Is there a stop up ahead?"  You asked, filled with hope.

"No."  He responded quickly.

"You didn't even look at the map!"

"I don't need to."

        Your eyes narrowed in agitation at his attitude, and a huff escaped parted lips.  Should you have really gone with the Uchiha?  Was this a mistake on your part?  No, you would make yourself regret this decision.  By now you were kilometers away from Surudoiyama and Sasuke was your only guide, so you just had to make the best out of everything.

        You heard a sigh, some rustling, and suddenly you stopped to avoid crashing into the man in front of you.  He held out onigiri, and it took everything in you not to salivate at the tasty treat.  Hastily you took the precious gift, but pursed your lips and looked down.

"Um, thank you."  You simpered, [e/c] eyes trailing up his form to look into his eyes which showed no change from its almost permanent indifference.

"I can't have you whining all the way while we find a spot to eat.  That should hold you over for a little while"  A small smile turned the corners of your lips upward at the miniscule act of kindness.  Without realizing it he took another one out from his pack to eat and slung it back over his shoulder.  The ravenette turned back around and started walking away, to which you shook your head and run to catch up with him, taking a bite of the mouthwatering rice paddy.

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