8. Greeting

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Vlll. Greeting

"So what's it like here? Living in a big village and all." You questioned Sasuke as you peered around curiously at the shops and villagers. The both of you had continued walking to his place, and the silence had been getting to you. It was a good distance away as the village was enormous, but it gave you time to marvel all the new sights brought to you. Sasuke remained silent, seemingly trapped in his own little world, and as your mouth opened to ask again in case he didn't hear you, he finally spoke up.

"You start to feel like the people here are very important to you." You pursed your lips together and emitted a soft "hm", silently wonder why he thought that. You knew he abandoned his village for a while in order to pursue power to fulfill his revenge, or so you had heard through your travels. It must have been hard to fix one mistake after another because of his crimes. Sympathy suddenly washed over you for the Uchiha, but you quickly brushed that away instead to steer clear of such a sensitive topic.

"I hope I feel that for these people some day. It will be all new for me, staying at one place. I just hope this change will be for the better." You expressed hopes for the coming future, a sparkle filled with determination in your [e/c] eyes. When you turned your head to look at Sasuke, he seemed to have been completely ignoring you. The spark fizzled out and you let out an exasperated breath.

"Anyway," You peeped, becoming a little embarrassed. "I think it will be good for me. It's been a while since I've been close to anyone. My Sensei and I parted ways shortly after I finished my training in my teenage years. I believe she is in the Land of Iron. She was wonderful, and taught me how to become a ninja. I wish she was still around so that she can see me now, though. She was the one that took me in after my parents died." You looked down and smiled bitterly. "It's sad; there are so many people in my life that passed away..." You trailed off, a note of anguish filling your voice. Without your knowledge, Sasuke looked at you from the corner of his eyes.

"I know the feeling." His voice resounded rather bitterly as he looked on ahead. Mentally you cursed yourself as you immediately thought of the Uchiha Massacre. Of course you knew about it; if one of the great clans was suddenly slaughtered, it would be the talk all across the ninja world for quite some time.

You continued to shuffle after him. "Um, my bad. I'm sorry about that..." You replied quietly. The Uchiha replied with an acknowledging 'hn.'

You continued on, wondering where he lived exactly. Was it some sort of apartment in the heart of the village? Or maybe a quaint little house on the outskirts?


Turns out, it was a cozy apartment, and as you stood in front of the place, noticing it looked like any other, you realized that he was just like any other. He might have been a savior, but at the end of the day, he'd undergo the same fatigues as anyone else. He breathed the same air, ate the same food, and drank the same drinks. Maybe he wasn't so different, so far removed from your average shinobi, and definitely not someone you needed to be intimidated about.

And, as you discovered this important fact, this universal truth if you will, a loud noise blasted your eardrums.

"Oi, Teme!" A boisterous voice yelled over the chatter of the crowds.

Suddenly a person ran up to Sasuke, slinging his arm around his shoulder and almost knocking the ravenette off balance. Something told you they had been really good friends for a long time. He had short, spiky blonde hair and an angular, masculine jaw. His eyes were an aquamarine color that shined playfully, and peculiarly bewhiskered cheeks lifted up in a giant smile, sharp, pearly white canines proudly displayed. He was handsome, you'll give him that.

"Sasuke it's been too long. All those missions, eh? Must be a pain!" The blonde haired man jabbed him in the ribcage with an elbow. Your eyes travelled to his right arm and noticed it was a prosthetic. Maybe it had something to do with Sasuke's missing arm? Your gaze trailed upward, then locked with baby-blue eyes as he officially noticed your presence. At first he faltered, just looking at you with widened eyes that made you feel on the spot, but snapped out of it after a moment.

"Hm? Are you a friend of Sasuke's?" He grinned a sparkling grin and walked up to you, your neck inclining upward due to his height.

He suddenly stuck his hand out. "Any friend of Sasuke's is a friend of mine. Nice to meet you! I'm Uzumaki Naruto!"

You smiled and blushed bashfully, taking his hand and in turn he gave you a firm handshake.

"[l/n] [f/n]. Nice to meet you, Uzumaki-san."

[Author's Note]: Kya! It's Naruto! I've been waiting to put that big ball of sunshine into this! Why did Naruto just look at you? Will this be problematic for the development of Reader-chan's and Sasuke's relationship? Definitely! (>_<)

P.S.: At this point I have no clue where Sasuke lives. Does he live in an apartment in the Leaf Village? Or somewhere in the Uchiha Compound? I have no idea, so please forgive me for this shortcoming. *bows*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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