4. Atonement

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lV. Atonement

        Sasuke observed the girl just a few meters away from him.  She was being praised by the elderly male leader of the small town, and he saw her frantically waving her hands, saying it was "No big deal." with nervous laughter.  The enemies had been tied up and subdued, and were currently in a holding cell within the village.  Hopefully a few Konoha ninja would pick them up soon and take them back to the Hidden Village so as to let them deal with it.  However, other things kept creeping up in his mind as he relayed the battle in his mind.

        Sasuke had to think about all of this.  He was sent on this mission to get rid of the threat, nothing hard to do, but you came along and took care of it.  How did this girl gather so much strength?  With chakra finer than silk at that.  You were a marvel to behold, but Sasuke would never admit that.  He knew he was stronger than you, but your skills were truly amazing.  He found himself curious to find out more.  Sasuke needed answers, and he definitely needed them before he went back to Konoha.

The Uchiha snapped out of his thoughts as he noticed you walking toward him, a small smile tugging at the corner of your mouth.  You looked almost smug.

"I told you I didn't need help..."

Sasukes eye twitched in annoyance.

"...But I'm glad you were there if I ever needed it."  The compliment caught the ravenette off guard slightly, but he made sure not to show it and to get on with the important things.  He didn't have time to be all touchy-feely with someone he barely knew.  Now he needed answers to a few questions.

"You never told me you're name."  At that your mouth opened in shock.  You didn't even tell him your name?

"I-It's [l/n] [f/n]."  You stuttered out, gaze shifted to the ground, hands behind your back as your sandals traced patterns in the dried dirt.  You blushed in embarrassment at how silly it seemed

The male made a 'hm' of understanding.  His black and ringed purple irises met yours.  "You did well.  Not many ninja can take out enemies with sheer strength alone."  You brightened, lips upturned in a jubilant grin.  You opened your mouth to except his praise, but froze, because the man already walked away.

        As you looked at his retreating figure, your mouth closed, but the smile returned.  This was probably the closest thing you could get to some semblance of recognition from the man who never seemed to give it away by choice.  It would be a little far-fetched to call it a thank you, but you took it anyway.  At least he has some sort of civilized side to him.


        Today was the day you would finally leave this place.  A tired sigh passed through your lips as you gathered your things together.  After making sure you had everything, you checked out of the inn.  You thanked the elderly woman who in turn thanked you and told you to 'Come again for free' because you had saved the whole village from those lowlife ninja.  Their generosity warmed your heart greatly and you were glad to leave on good terms.

        You didn't know where you were going, you never did.  In a way, you were like the wind; going anywhere as you pleased.  Usually it would be a small and peaceful village, but sometimes it would a be a large Hidden Village of sorts.  You could be a gentle breeze or a raging torrent, but all those aside you were perfectly content with just being the wind, and you would go where ever you wanted to.

        As you walked to the entrance of the village, now exit, you couldn't help but think of all the things that happened in the small time frame of two days.  You met a condescending jerk that also had a polite side deep down in his heart, and defeated a group of thieving ninja.  All in all they were good memories, you decided, and maybe if one day someone wanted to listen you would tell them these stories.

"[l/n]."  A voice cut through the air like a knife in the tranquil atmosphere of the sleeping town.  You turned around, and with the dawn rays peeking past the mountains you were able to make out the outline of a certain Uchiha.

"Uchiha-san."  You replied with a nod of acknowledgement.

"You're leaving, aren't you?"

"You as well."  Again you nodded your head, but this time to the pack slung around his back.

        Immediately on awkward silence fell over you both, and you debated on whether or not to say goodbye to him.  He didn't seem like the kind of guy that would care for or appreciate one, but you weren't going to be rude and leave him in the dust.

"Well, Uchiha-san...I guess this is goodbye."

"It seems so."  You grew uneasy now.

"Thank you for being prepared to protect me if needed.  Without your patronizing comments I might not have had the will to fight off those ninja."  A breath of laughter slipped past your lips, and then the silence resumed.

You sighed, biting your lip in pensive thought.  You had but one question for him before you departed.  "Uchiha-san, just answer this for me...why do you do these things?  Why do you go on these lowly missions when you're obviously above something like this?  Surely you would want to seek something more glorious."  The question caught him off guard, and Sasuke had to think for a few moments.

"My reason..."  He looked to the sky as if in deep thought, staring at the dimming stars and rising sun painting the sky with warm, beautiful pastels.

        A dark part of Sasuke's mind had been suddenly uncovered like an ancient ruin being discovered after thousands of years.  Horrible memories of the atrocities he committed resurfaced: murder, desertion of his village, the will to destroy it, the crimes he committed to succeed in these endeavors.  He had to think about what he was going to say.  He never told anybody other than his closest friends about what drove him to do these things, but he had a feeling that if he didn't give her an answer, she would pester him about it in some way.  It felt as if time had stopped and only they could do anything about it.  He would break this heavy, palpable silence.  Sasuke looked back to you who had been patiently awaiting an answer.  The next words rolled off his tongue and sounded through his parted lips with purpose.


Author's Note:  Sorry this was such a short chapter, I promise to make the next one longer, and way more exciting.  I think we all know how important it is for Sasuke to ask for someone's name.  I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and the next one will hopefully be out soon. ;)

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