chapter 1

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The tardis hummed quietly as the doctor pulled levers and pressed bttons.I watched him intently,taking note of everything he was doing."doctor,could the tardis ever crash?' I asked eyeing him closely as if he was to lie to her face."well it could but i never wold let it" he replied while giving me a reassuring smile.minutes late the tardis landed in what the doctor called SLYBORIAN. I had an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach so I clung tightly to the doctors arm.the doctor chuckled softly."nothing wil happen clara" he said and we both walked across the plain grassy fields. we came to a halt outside a worn out cottage. children were happily skipping and playing while their parents were chatting to each one seemed to notice us.the doctor frowned slightly so i walked over to one of the parents."hi"i said but hey carried on chatting nd laughing,not even looking up at me.this time it was my turn to frown."why aren't they noticing us doctor?" i asked,slightly confused at their odd behaviour.the doctor simply replied with a "i don't know" i sighed frustratingly and walked straight into the cottage.the doctor screamed my name nehind me and i suddenly spun round.the door behind me closed and locked.i rushed forwards banging and banging until i admitted defeat and slid down the door to rest on the foor.after what seemed like hours i finally decided to go explore.i headed into a small room.inside there were hundreds and hundreds of cybermen lined upand their gleaming red eyes seemed to rest on me.I let out a loud earpiercing scream and i could hear the docto scream my name once again.the cybermen all lunged at me and held onto my arms,not letting me escape.they plucked out a long sharp needle and stuck it right in my arm. i let out yet another scream before everything faded into blackness.


i scremed claras name over and over again,banging on the door.tears slid down my face as i heard her tortured screams erupting from inside the was my fault this happened to fault that i took us here.its always been my fauly,always someone gets hurt and always its my would be perfect just to lock me up somehwere.memories of me and clara drifted through my mind which only made me cry harder and harder until i could barely speak.the ground suddenly started to shake and i was pulled underneah.a bright blue light shone in my face and the next thing i know is that i'm in a small white the far corner is a body of a girl.she's facing away from me and seems to be unconscious maybe even dead!i shuffled towards her and lifted up her face.i yelled in horror as i realised that it was clara that i was holding.i started sobbing uncontrolably as i held onto clara's corpse and rocked it back and forth."wake up clara please please wake up!"i begged as i shook her over and over."please clara please i need you i really do!" i practically yelled.anger boiled up inside of me as i thought of what had happened to clara.yet another life lost becuase of me! why does this always happen why ALWAYS? i lay down on the floor,sobbing and holding tightly onto clara's hand as if it was the only thing that could save her.i suddenly heard a soft,hoarse voice...

the 11th doctor and clara love storyWhere stories live. Discover now