chapter 2

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my head perked up as i heard that small voice.i looked into clara's eyes and realised she was awake."CLARA!" i yelled as i hugged her tightly.tears were streaming down my face as i thought of what could have happened to her. i didn't ever want to let her go.not ever in a million years."doctor my head hurts" clara mumbled innocently which only made more tears well up in my eyes. "don't worry clara don't worry i'm here for you and i will never let anything hurt you again" i reassured her but then a thought struck me."what happened to you clara?"i asked and soon tears were spilling loosely down her cheek.i hugged her tighter and burried my face in her hair."i walked i-inside a small room and there were cyb-berm-men" she explained while sniffing a few times and stuttering."they grabbed m-me and stuck a n-needle in my a-arm" she sobbed and clung onto my arm tighter. my face went pale as i thought about what those stupid cybermen did to her.anger and frustration yet again built up inside of me."how dare they" i seethed thorugh gritting my teeth."i'm sorry i d-did this d-doctor" clara said in a small voice which made me feel very guilty. "no no clara its not your fault!" i said "don't worry" i picked her up in my arms and tried to sonic the door open. thankfully it worked and i rushed through the long corridoors. i pushed through a door at the end of a hallway and ended up outside the cottage we were in a little while ago.i retraced my steps to the tardis and i soon got it to work.i brought clara up to her bed and lay her down.she had already fallen asleep and i smiled softly as i looked at her peacefull slef,sleeping ike an angel.i walked back slowly to the library and settled down with a long book.i was interrupted by clara walking in and calling my name."doctor i'm scared" she whined fear was plastered across her face. i ushered he into her room and pulled up a chair next to her bed"don't worry clara i'm right here with you" i reassured her and she soo  fell into a peacefull sleep.


i was running franticaly through a forest,a cybermen was hot on my heels and was close to capturing me.the doctor was helping him to my confusion but to be honest i felt hurt and betrayed.i ran faster and faster but accidently tripped on a piece of wood.the cybermen dragged me with him and i let out a horrified scream.he shoved me into a small grey room and strapped me to a chair. i screamed louder and louder my screams still went unheard though.a long knife was brought to my throaght and i let out one last ear piercing scream.suddenly i was pulled out of the room and into the safety of my bedroom.the doctor hovered over me and was shaking me continously looking extremely concerned. i let out a loud sob as tears fell down my face.the doctor hugged me tight."don't worry clara,love,it was just a dream" he whispered soothingly."just a bad bad dream" i snuggled up next to him,shivering uncontrolably and sobbing even more now."doctor i'm properly properly scared now" i said but his response was just hugging me tight. soon i settled down and drifted off into a peacefull slumber.that is until i heard a loud crash.i jerked up in bed and the doctor was beside me with broken glass peices scattered across the floor."what happened?"i asked him but he looked dazed and shocked.i followed his cold hard gaze and gasped

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